Monday, December 12, 2011

Mosaic Monday

Don't they come around too often?  Mondays just seem to pop up way before I'm ready!  I've been enjoying all the Christmas cheer around blogland, but it makes me feel soooo behind!  I have my tree up and a few things on my mantle and that's it.  I'm not sure what is going on with me this year.  Hopefully I'll get more done this week.

Today I'm joining Mosaic Monday with a little something from my tree- a few of my favorite ornaments. Especially the little red and white candy cane that says Bubba.  It was made for my Dad.  He doesn't put up a tree so I asked if I could have it.  I always remember the excitement of putting "the Bubba" on the tree.

I do love my ornaments.  The Uncle Sam is from the year the Gulf War started.  My son's favorite Star Wars ornament is also loved.  Years of memories in these ornaments, but my daughters are now residing on her tree.  I will take some pictures of some of her favorites another day.  She has the greatest ones that my mother made.  When Mom passed away they were the only thing my daughter wanted.

Hope you've had a great Monday.  I am participating in Mosaic Monday at The Little Red House. I hope you'll stop by to see some fun mosaics!


  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog the sentiment behind some of your ornaments and all the sparkle!

  2. Thanks for stopping by my blog the sentiment behind some of your ornaments and all the sparkle!

  3. What a pretty mosaic with all those colors and memories. I think your tree is beautiful.



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