Wednesday, July 6, 2011


 Outdoor Wednesday logo

But the Stargazer Lilies are looking fabulous!

It's  humid too! 
My garden has kind of been like an on again, off again romance.  Some years I love it, some years it suffers from my inattention.
This would be an "inattentive" year. 
I hurt my knee and have been unable to do much in the garden this year. DH had knee replacement surgery in May and hasn't been able to work on our slowly departing grass :(.  Here are some pictures of better days - something to inspire me to not give up.

The urn in the above picture is the only thing that looks good this year. The grass hasn't grown to it's 3 foot height, but it's still a nice combination of plants: 

The deer have feasted several times, eating the tops of the impatience and one whole grouping of lilies.  The impatience will come back, so that's something to look forward to.  I had a strong beginning, so this is a big disappointment.  A few years ago the deer stayed away due to land clearing behind my property.  The plants were fabulous:
I take comfort in knowing there is always next year, the mantra of every gardener!
I am participating in Outdoor Wednesday at A Southern Dreamer.  


  1. Nice plants, and beautifully planted urn. Like your color combinations.

  2. There is always next year -- I felt the same way last year . . . but gardeners are always thinking forward -- not back!!!!

    Hope your knee heals -- and I've had the same surgery as your husband and all will soon be well!



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