Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Welcome to another of my WIP posts.  I am chronicling my Crazy Quilt squares.  This is a project that I work on now and again.  Winter is a good time because there is something so comforting about stitching on a cold winter  night...  the fire crackling in the fireplace, a cup of hot chocolate beside me, keeping my fingers warm and limber!

 But oh the mess!! I've spoken of it before. Thread...thread e-v-e-r-y-w-h-e-r-e!

 And needles... scary, sharp needles.  They fall on my lap, in my chair, on the floor. I have to use a lot of different needles because the threads and stitches and beads are all different.

Piecing the pieces is the hardest to me.  I enjoy the stitching, and thread buying is pretty fun.  Sometimes I dye my own threads (you can see a hand dyed thread above, it's variegated.  I like the way it moves in and out of soft colors.

 But the most fun to me is adding the beads and buttons. I have a good collection of vintage buttons.  If I don't have just the right ones, I go shopping.  I get giddy. Bead and button shopping is about as fun as it gets around here!

Thanks for dropping by, I hope you enjoyed this block.  I think I might drag all the stuff out and work on my newest block today.

I'm participating in Knick of Time Tuesday, pop over and have a look at vintage inspired posts.


  1. What a gorgeous square! I don't have the patience for that kind of work... wish I did at times because it sure is pretty! :)


  2. Oh WOW, Leslie, this is totally gorgeous. Your work is exquisite!!! I love the color and those buttons are so beautiful!

    Wishing you a Happy New Year!


  3. What a beautiful quilt square. You have such amazing talent! I get excited buying buttons...new, old, simple, intricate...love them all! Love this post.
    Blessings, Audrey

  4. Your work is beautiful-maybe I should be doing that instead of skating!!!
    When I make tea I usually just use a teabag.It works best to rinse your teapot in hot water and then drop in a teabag and pour a couple of cups of boiling water over it-cover and leave it for few minutes-remove teabag pour into a pretty cup and enjoy.
    If you are in a hurry you can put the teabag in a mug and pour boiling hot water on it and wait a couple of minutes before enjoying. I usually drink herbal teas-like peppermint,orange spice,chai etc.
    I hope you enjoy a good cup of tea-it is comforting!

    Thank you for your visit.

  5. How beautiful! You have a real talent for this! XO, Pinky

  6. That is extremely beautiful and creative.



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