Saturday, July 14, 2012


 There is a secret place I know of.  Perfect for a picnic. Shady, quiet, deep and dark.  You  pass this little lake on the way. It eventually feeds into the big lake where my little spot is located.

 See, it's waiting for someone to come and enjoy it's serene beauty.

 Look how pretty the reflections look.

 Interesting roots to ponder.

 So pretty and quiet.

Dappled sunlight. Just right for a nap.

 Oh! Isn't he sweet, waiting there for me.  My Dad.  I asked him to stop on our little excursion so I could take these pictures.  

I hope you've enjoyed seeing my little secret place.  It's a beautiful place to spend a quiet hour or two on a hot summer day. Thanks for stopping by!



 I was on FB today when I ran across a picture of a male Bowerbird. Have you heard of them? I had read an article some time ago. Today I loo...