Wednesday, July 25, 2012


How has your day been?  Work is crazy, but I'm loving it! I got new lights for my saltwater aquarium and it makes everything beautiful! They suffered a lot this summer because of renovations at the school. The construction crew had all the air off and we were hitting  temperatures of 106! I lost ALL  of the corals and at least 5 fish.  I'm so happy to be back, and am happy to report that they have turned the air back on. Now I can really baby them, get the water parameters just right, and start replacing the animals we lost.  I've been floating ice bags in the water to bring the temperature down.  It's worked beautifully! I'm so exhausted when I get home that all I do is sit in my lazyboy and watch tv.  Then I do everything in my power to stay up until 9:00 -  haven't made it yet, maybe tonight will be the night!

The first photo is of a plant in the south called Hearts a Bustin'.  In fall the little green balls will open to expose bright orange seeds surrounded by pink.  They are really cool.  They grow in the shade.  My Stargazer Lillies were very pretty this year. Usually the deer get them, but this year I used a deer spray and NOTHING was eaten in my garden! I can't wait to plant tulips!

I hope you are having a wonderful Wednesday. I'm participating in Outdoor Wednesday at A Southern Daydreamer, hope you'll pop over to see the other participants.  Thanks for stopping by!


  1. loving your garden (sorry to read about the aquarium losses); I have a lilium very similar to yours here also

  2. So sorry about the fish and coral. A 106...yikes. I am glad you're so positive and right back in there making things better. Your garden is gorgeous. Love the picture of the sweet bird!

  3. Gosh, too bad about the aquarium. Poor things. Your Stargazers are gorgeous. I'm not familiar with Hearts a Bustin'. I'll Google it. I love new (to me)plants. Thanks for sharing your day...have a great weekend.

  4. oh poor fishies
    It has been on HELL of a summer

  5. I guess I need to stop complaining abou the near 100 degree days we've been having. Sorry to hear how the fish are suffering, and I hope you are able to get everything back in order soon. Your garden pictures are very pretty as well. The second picture of the full garden view looks very much like an English Cottage garden. So pretty! Thanks for stopping by my blog yesterday!

  6. Leslie, I am so envious of your garden. It's lovely! I hope to have one myself when my husband and I finally makes a decision where to settle down.

  7. Hello again Leslie !
    I will have to look for that salvia Blue Moon ? .. I don't have a good salvia in the garden this year for some reason .. we finally have rain .. I almosr cried because it has been so long without it .. hoping my rain barrel is topped to the brim !LOL
    PS .. we would love to get a salt water aquarium .. watching those beautiful fish is so relaxing .. I'm sorry you lost so much .. having no AC with those temps is torture .. hey, I go to bed way earlier than nine .. but I usually watch TV then by 9 everything is turned off! LOL

  8. Sorry about the fish. We have a fish tank and unfortunately last month we loss two fish. Beautiful photos especially the bird photo.

  9. Sorry about the loss of your fish... :( Enjoyed the photos of your garden and such--loved the sky and bird!

  10. Your flowers and yard are just beautiful, beautiful picture of the Stargazers.
    That is sad about your aquarium.

  11. Beautiful garden pictures. I always enjoy cone flowers and lilies. Sweet bird too.



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