Friday, February 21, 2025


It turned my stomach when I saw Elon Musk gleefully handle a chain saw while gloating over who was going to get fired next. To have so little regard for your fellow human is repulsive. How you can fire 100's of people and not care at all about their lives, their families, their whole existence being turned upside down. There is no excuse for this kind of behavior. I understand that our government may need to be made smaller but, please, have a care about the people you are affecting.


  1. Musk is repulsive and always look 'manic' to me ~ neither he nor Trump care one iota about people. ~ sigh ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  2. Abhorrent behaviours on display by 'leaders' all over the world. Unfortunate.

  3. I totally agree. In fact, the entire chain saw scene made him look like a madman to my thinking!

  4. You know that old saying "the rich are different"? I am beginning to think this is true.

  5. I really don't know how people of power get into this position. And that they can be so mentally cruel to the employees that are wondering who's next to lose their job.

  6. How can we, as a species, be so cruel to each other? I wonder about that a lot.

    1. I think it's the economic system which is the very opposite of egalitarian, and also other institutions that cause oppression (and that oppression can be reproduced by any of us) that turn people from creatures capable of cooperation, mutual aid and hopefully minimal negative judgement into cruel, hyena-like exploiters of one another.

  7. Musk is the richest person on the planet. He's also dumb, anti-social, and has a mind of an edgy 12-year-old constantly trying to prove himself to others. I've read somewhere that he had a meltdown after he was booed at an event recently. He's basically the textbook example of what people of my generation (Gen Z) call "soy right". Just a completely pathetic far-right dude with no sense of responsibility, no social understanding and also no charisma.

    His gesture at the inauguration was obviously not the end of this all. We need to resist. No complacency. No excusing the actions of people like him.

  8. Some very strange happenings in America at the moment, but things and government happenings aren't great here in UK either at the moment!

  9. Things are getting crazier and crazier by the day everywhere, and it seems there's no stopping point or anything anyone in power can do. Scary.

  10. So true. He is already the richest person in the world. I can’t help but think he will benefit financially from this power. How much money is enough? Totally disgusting!



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