Wednesday, January 22, 2025


We only got a little, but it was pretty. Our flakes were really tiny. I was hoping for big fat ones. The snow created a nice cozy day for us. The snow was like powder. I've never seen powder snow. I've heard that skiers like to ski on powder. I heard we actually had skiers in Piedmont Park, skiing down the hills. That sounds like fun.

It must seem silly to my Northern friends for me to get so excited over an inch of snow, lol. But I do! It's been years since we had any. It's like a holiday around here! Extra special snacks, extra firewood, Lots of quilts brought out. We prepare well. Today the sun was bright and melted a lot of the snow,  but any wetness left behind will refreeze tonight as we dip again into the 20's. My brother is a good 200 miles south of me in Florida and he got 13 inches! I'm jealous!

I hope you've had a lovely day. Thanks so much for stopping by. It's frigid over much of the country so keep warm friends. 


  1. I wish I was there!

    1. It's definitely been fun! Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment! Have a great week. Keep warm where ever you are.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. We get lots of snow, yet a fresh fall never loses its magic, especially the first snowfall of the year. We are experiencing very cold temperatures at present and there is lots of snow on the ground, so it’s not going anywhere soon. Hooray!

    1. I'm glad that someone who gets lots of snow still sees it as magical! Sounds like you'll be snowbound for several days at least. Thanks for stopping by. Take care.

  3. I always enjoy our first snowfall up here. For the last three or four winners there's been very little snow and more ice. So the snow is much more pretty. And I have to say every snow we've had this winter equaling about 14 inches only, have been all white fluff because it's been so bitter cold. I guess we can say goodbye to our Florida oranges and strawberries this year.

    1. Ice is no fun. It will really shut us down, like it did about 10 years ago. Took forever to thaw out. I do wish our snow had been a little wetter so we could build snowmen and use our butter turkey mold to make snow turkeys! Take care, Lynn.

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks! Hard to take a bad picture when everywhere you look is so pretty. Take care.

  5. So amazing watching all of this snow and frigid temperatures from Hawaii! Aloha

    1. I'm glad to have the seasons. Snow is so exciting if you don't have to deal with it every day. Take care.

  6. Beautiful scene, and I totally agree with is like a Holiday! Your described it perfectly..

    1. It's all gone now, sigh. Now things are back to normal. Kids back to school today. Our holiday is passed:(

  7. Glad you got some snow! We're up to about 18" on the level, and much higher snowbanks!

    1. Wow, 18 inches sounds like a dream (to me, who wouldn't have to shovel, lol). Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Hi Leslie, thanks for visiting me! This snowy road is so pretty. We still have snow around. So I think you live somewhere in the Florida area? It seems like this may be the first snow there ever. We are Christians, too, in the local Mennonite church.

    1. Hi Ginny, I live in Newnan, Georgia - a little south of Atlanta. Where are you located? I appreciate you visiting my blog and commenting.

  10. Beautiful snowy photo! It's nice when snow is rare, and when you do get it, it's a special treat!

    1. Indeed it is! I guess thar's it for us, though. But you never know! Thanks so much for dropping by and leaving a comment!

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Walking in snowshoes is easy once you get the hang ofit.

  13. I lived in Florida for nearly two years many years ago, so I understand the excitement of seeing snow where it is rare. I live on the edge of the New York snow belt and I wish snow was rare here, too.

    1. We rarely get snow in Georgia, so even an inch is worth celebrating. Thanks for visiting and leaving a comment!

  14. No, not silly at all! I think it is great that you feel this way, especially as it is such a rare event. Enjoy! I also read your new post about your daughter being home for a visit. Wonderful! These special times are the true treasures in life.

    1. Hi Denise! You're right, these special times are treasures. I've been enjoying Sally being home so much. I think our snow producing weather is over. We'll be hitting 70 degrees this week! Thanks for visiting and commenting. Take care and have a good week.

  15. Excitement over snow when it is a rare thing isn't at all silly! We find it gets a little old when you've been seeing it for a long while, but that first one and even the second can really make the heart skip a beat, it's so lovely!

    1. Hi Jeanie, I guess we're done with the really cold, snow producing weather. We'll be reaching 70 degrees this week!



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