Wednesday, February 26, 2025

 Oh! Glorious Spring-like temperatures, how I've missed you. Don't get me wrong, winter was fun and cozy. Two (two!) snow events. Warm fires. Warm quilts. Warm soups. Yes, winter was surely enjoyed. But it's time to move aside and welcome Spring. I have a few patches of daffodils in full bloom. They are such a bright spot after the gray days of winter. I made this little bouquet and put them in this little Dutch girl vase. I just love it, I think it's so cute. 

I have more daffodils this year than in years past. I know it's because of the cold winter we've had. I have one patch that used to bloom but now doesn't. Not sure why. They send up nice green leaves but no flowers. Maybe I'll dig them up and replant.

I love the little parrot vase. I'll pick more daffodils later today for it. 

A nice, pretty little bouquet. 

I hope your day will be a joyful one. Thanks for stopping by. Keep warm and take care!


  1. This is totally adorable!!! I love both vases, but the parrot one is my favorite. Where did you find them? I did not know that Daffodils love really cold weather during the winter!

  2. Hi Ginny! The parrot was my mother's and I think it might have been her mother's. I found the little Dutch girl at a flea market. It is a miniature of a much larger one that was my grandmother's. I have another parrot, I'll be sure to show the other one.

  3. Love these big gorgeous daffodils. Mine have not started blooming yet...can't wait...for now..I'm going to enjoy the little vase too...

    1. Right now, daffodils are my favorite, That might change as the season progresses. I know you can't wait for yours to bloom. Have a great rest of your week.

  4. It's such a cheery bouquet! I love the vase and am always happy to see daffodils. I'm afraid we have a bit of a wait for them here.

  5. I love daffodils. I have got to plant more this fall. Yours will be blooming before you know it. Have a great day.

  6. simply beautiful to see. And the cute vases. They remind me of ones my mom and grandmother had years ago. Different animal shapes. I have to thin my daffs every other year. Therefore I now have a hundred replanted in the very back we keep wild for the deer. Can't wait another month for them to be open. So I'll look for more of yours, lol.

  7. Hello Friend! Your daffs give me life!! I know it will be many weeks before I'll see mine sprouting -but love yours. ☀️💛 I'm dreaming on Spring and getting little tastes in the sunshine now. This post stated my sentiments exactly! Winter was cozy and wonderful - but now so ready to blossom into all things Spring. 💚💚💚


 Oh! Glorious Spring-like temperatures, how I've missed you. Don't get me wrong, winter was fun and cozy. Two (two!) snow events. Wa...