Monday, February 17, 2025


 Well, it happened. As soon a I turned my back, BAM!!!  Cold weather returned. Way down here. Way down here in the South. Down where we were already thinking Spring had sprung. Of course, we knew it wasn't really spring yet. But we had some 80 degree days. Daffodils are blooming. Hyacinths are up and budded. It sure seemed like Spring was here. But we are rolling with the punches. Enjoying a nice, cozy fire, food that warms, quilts and blankets. Nothing better on a cold day. 

How about you? Are you still shoveling snow and staying indoors by a fire? I hope you have a great week, take care and keep warm!


  1. It hasn't even got as cold as it will for us. I have hesitated to buy wood for my fireplace this year. Yours looks super cozy.

  2. Even colder weather coming. How disheartening! Have a great week.

  3. Here in Michigan it has just been snow and more snow, and now they just extended this winter storm warning for another day! We've just stayed in today! And the rest of the week is supposed to be high temps under 10 degrees.
    Hurray up Spring!

    1. Oh my, Mari! High temps under 10 degrees! My cold is only am 20's pm 40's. Winter seems to be hanging on. Will make me appreciate spring even more! Have a great weekend. Take care.

  4. It does look so cozy there! And even better, I see a heating pad. SO cold here, and more snow on Wednesday.

  5. Good eye, Ginny! We all have heating pads. Try to stay warm.

  6. Definitely know what up in winter weather in Northern ohio. Only 4 inches of snow but it was on top of ice again. And now this morning it is 3°. And it's going to be that cold every night until Friday maybe. However we had some time yesterday and we have sunshining coming again today. Your fire does look cozy.

    1. You seem to be having a very cold winter. We have not gotten anywhere near as low as you are at. Keep the fires going and stay warm!

  7. Yes cold is coming again. Stay warm and cozy. Thank you for stopping by my blog so I could come back here and say hi.

    1. Thanks for stopping by and commenting. Hope you'll come again. Take care.

  8. AMEN Leslie...what the heck our daffies are blooming and Camellia is too
    then bang we have a wintry messy forecast for Wed-Thursday. Sure February will not be missed. But then there is March will she come in like a lamb or a lion? Love the fire place
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. It is still Winter here in MA ~ Down South should be warmer ~ eh? ~ Hang in there ~ lovely fire and fireplace ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  10. I'm sorry to hear that the weather turned on you and I hope it shifts again in a warmer direction, Leslie. Unfortunately, we can't depend on Mother Nature being predictable. Best wishes for some early spring blooms in the near term!

  11. I have a fake fire on streaming. Sounds and looks pretty. No heat. Still, I'll happily take it. Lost power this weekend. Back on today. Fingers crossed.

  12. Snowing today in Missouri! I love it. A few bulbs will start up in March!

  13. It's windy and wet here today but no snow.

  14. We're certainly shoveling snow, or having it shoveled, and will be for a long time to come!



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