Tuesday, February 18, 2025


 This is Meeka. We think he is a Norwegian Forest cat, not a Main Coon. His original owner said he was a Main Coon. Meeka is not in any way a nice cat. He's not friendly. He's not family oriented. He's not kind. He doesn't like to be touched, except occasionally around his ears. So you can imagine my surprise when this surly cat climbed on to my lap - 3 times - yesterday. First he just sat on the side of the chair.  That in itself freaked me out. Then he started kneading on me. Oh wow! Finally, he climbed in my lap and slept.  He did this three times. How happy I was! He's getting loving in his old age! On the third time I started rubbing around his ears...he attacked me full force. He bit my hand 3 times then jumped down. And I thought we were becoming such good friends.  Oh well, the enemy within. 

 I hope you are having a great Tuesday. I had my hair cut (not happy). Take care.


  1. I guess he knows when he’s had enough! If he keeps up that behaviour he’ll perhaps soon know when you’ve had enough!

  2. Truly, having him knead on me wasn't fun. Have a great week.

  3. Good grief!!! How long have you had him?

    1. Gosh, we've had him for 7 or 8 years. Never been an affectionate cat. Have a great week.

  4. What a beauty! We had a cat similar. to Meeka. Just lovely.

    1. I can't say he's sweet, but he is definitely beautiful! Thanks for stopping by and commenting. Have a great week.

  5. You can only go so far and you cans go no further :))) He is handsome looking cat. Maybe this is the start of good things to come.

    1. Truth! Maybe he's getting softer in his older years, but still doesn't like to be touched too much. He has a mean bite!

  6. Hello :)
    Oh my goodness what a shame your cat is unaffectionate, and even hurts you. After 8 years of this bad behaviour he will never change, but you are so patient with Meeka. He is a lovely looking cat but if he is Norwegian Forest cat, he would probably be happier outside in a forest rather than indoors for that would be his inbred nature. My daughter -In- law has a similar natured cat, but she loves him and I know you love Meeka.:)
    All the best

    1. Meeka is an indoor/outdoor cat. You're right, he loves being outside. He is a beautiful cat. Thanks for dropping by and leaving a comment.

  7. Yikes! Meeka's a handsome man cat, but my goodness, that must've caught you by surprise. Baby steps?

    1. yes, baby steps is right. I'm just gonna enjoy that he seems to want to be a little closer as he gets older.

  8. Meeka is definitely a beauty. He looks just like my Peepers and she was a registered Maine coon. Good luck with the petting and I hope things get better because the poor Kitty doesn't know what he's missing.

    1. He's still sitting in my lap, I'm just careful now about rubbing him. Can't do it too long. He is a pretty cat, but he's not near as big as a Maine Coon I think. I also read that Maine Coons are friendly and Norwegian Forest cats aren't. That's what made us decide he wasn't MC.

  9. A friend's very unfriendly cat would sit on my lap from time to time, I thought it liked me until my friend told me the cat likes to sit in spots where the sun was shining. So yes, when the cat sat on my lap, it did so because the sun was hitting that area, not because it liked me.

    1. That's too funny. I'll probably will find out something like that regarding why he's sitting in my lap now, lol. Have a great week. Thanks for dropping by!

  10. A beautiful cat but I think there must have been a reason other than friendship for the cat to suddenly want your lap. Too bad-ouch.

    1. I agree. I'm a little nervous about why he's loving my lap all of a sudden, lol. He can't be cold, not with all that fur!

  11. what a pretty cat, with lovely green eyes!! i need a haircut and my girl is always so busy, i have to wait until tuesday!!

    1. He does have beautiful eyes. I got a great hair cut, but they talked me into buying some of their products that I doubt I'll be able to use correctly! Plus those products make your hair so stiff.

  12. Meeka is a most handsome TEASE. Evidently he wants your lap and wants you to DO ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. I hope your wounds are too bad.

    1. Cecilia, he is a tease! And you're right. Gimme your lap but don't touch! He thinks he's a King!

  13. Meeka is absolutely gorgeous. Thanks for sharing your beautiful cat!

    1. Thank you! Beautiful but a terrorist! Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  14. Looks like you are into gardening, stitching and cats! Some of my favourite things. Meeka is a beauty.

  15. Yes to all three! Meeka is a beauty but also a holy terror, lol.

  16. I'm sorry he is like that. And he attacked you. Yikes. So sorry. Does he attack the pups?



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