Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Wild About Mother Nature is a new weekly party at Grits and Glamour that I'm crazy about.  I love nature, and it's such fun to participate in a weekly party dedicated to it!  This week the moss is really looking lovely, so I thought I'd let it star in my post. I like to use it in the winter on my deck.  It's so pretty and green.

 This year I also planted grass seed in a little blue pot. It's been fun trimming it.  I love the difference in the two greens.  

I've planted grass seed in this large dish to use on my Easter table. It got some nice light rain and I expect to see the seed germinate soon.

I have a nice pot ready to be filled with soil and hopefully a lovely spring plant.

I hope you'll hop over to Grits and Glamour and take a look at the participants of Wild About Mother Nature!  Thanks for stopping by.  


  1. Hi Leslie! Thanks for reminding me about the Mother Nature party at Grits and Glamour. I like all the thins you have going on in your yard. I planted some grass seed a couple of weeks ago in decorative containers to use as centerpieces at a party. I always get nervous when I grow grass for a party that the it won't grow in time but it always does (even if it has a slow start). I will look forward to seeing your grass with your Easter decorating.

  2. Such a great idea and I love the grass! I did that one year, except it grew in so fast, I had to keep giving it a haircut with scissors! It did look great with Easter eggs in it though.

  3. What a sweet idea and perfect for Easter! I may try it!


  4. This time of year my mind really turns to all the beauty of nature that is around us...or at least on its way! I'm sitting here listening to Garth Brooks' "The Change" and it just seems so perfect for this post. Nature cannot be changed. It is what it is for better or for worse. I'm going to start growing my rye grass for my Easter table in a couple of weeks. Maybe I can grow some moss, too? Hmmmmmmm....we'll see! Have a great weekend!

  5. What a great idea! I always see pots of grass used in spring decor but I never remember to plant any! Thanks for your kind comments on my blog.



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