Sunday, February 12, 2012

Happy Sunday to you, how have you spent your weekend?  It turned cold here (boo, hiss!). I was in hopes of  winter being done. Oh well, looks like we are in for a few cold days, then we'll be back to our Spring-like temperatures.  I have one week of work, then I'll be off for Winter Break - can't wait!  I plan to spend Winter Break relaxing and stitching.  I'm trying to get my 9 block crazy quilt wall hanging done.  I need to bead and button one block and then make just one more.  I'm so excited to be almost done! For my next project  I'm thinking of making something with 4 inch blocks. 

I was taking a little walk around the yard the other day and I noticed the sun shining on the trees way in the back.  It was so pretty, that I ran and got the camera to capture the moment.

Looks like fall, doesn't it?  But it's just the way the light was hitting the pines.  The trees were glowing. I hope you're having a lovely Sunday.  I am finally feeling better and hope to be making the rounds this week. Thanks for stopping by!



  1. Your pictures are sooo pretty. The glow does make it look like fall. We are cold too here but hopefully we'll warm up a bit as the week goes on. Have a wonderful evening Leslie.

  2. I, too, was hoping for an early spring, and it got cold here, too. Not too cold, though. Have a fun winter break! I've been thinking this would be a good time to catch up on some things before I'm out in the garden all the time!



 I was on FB today when I ran across a picture of a male Bowerbird. Have you heard of them? I had read an article some time ago. Today I loo...