Thursday, February 19, 2015

This and That

 What a fabulous week I am having! I just can't let myself think about the fact that tomorrow will be the last day. I don't really count the weekends, because I would have them off anyway. I've been doing a bit of everything, except what I usually do on this week (garden). I've completed 25 blocks of the Farmers Wife Quilt.  There is no way I could do any more. I struggled with several of the blocks. One block took me two days and about 10 rip-outs, so frustrating. I've ordered another jelly roll. I have big plans to make that little darling girl above a little quilt. So excited about that! Gotta finish my daughter's first, though. I'm not going to quilt it, I'm just going to tie it. I don't think I'll ever quilt again, tieing is the way to go for me now. Super easy. The Farmers Wife Quilt turning me from an adventurer to an Only Easy scaredy cat.  And look at that!!! I made dinner. It doesn't look very good, but it was yummy!


  1. Looks like you've been a busy girl!!! Your quilt is going to be amazing. Have a wonderful weekend.

  2. You've been busy. Time off is so precious. What a sweet little granddaughter.

  3. I just found your lovely blog and have become a follower. I love your crazy quilts.

  4. What a lovely post! You have a wonderful set of hobbies. I'd like to create quilts, but I'm not sure I have the motivation!



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