Wednesday, February 6, 2013


Winter is quietly passing around here. Cold interspersed with Spring-like warmth is really the norm. Tomorrow a cold rain is promised. I really wish it was today because I'm home and it would be a lovely evening to pass in front of the fire with some stitching and my yummy salmon dinner that my wonderful dh is in the kitchen cooking for me.  Tomorrow I'll have to do some driving and visiting...never fun to do in the rain.

I have a winter cross stitch that I am enjoying. I have lost some of the special order floss and will have to reorder before I can finish. I still have a ways to go so I'll work on other areas until I just have to have it.  I have been waiting impatiently for the 40ct fabric that I ordered for my big project.  I am already behind and I haven't even started yet! I am supposed to do one small block a month.  The small blocks are massive though and will be a real race to actually finish some of them in a month.  All I need to get started is the fabric. Hopefully I'll get it soon.

I hope you are having a lovely Wednesday. Thanks so much for stopping by!!


  1. Your stitching is beautiful even in its beginning stages. And I'm always entranced by the photos on your sidebar of the crazy quilting. So lovely!

    Yes, winter is passing. Enjoy these cozy days.

  2. The cross stitch piece is going to be beautiful. It's so peaceful to sit and stitch on cold evenings. Your dinner sounds delicious. Safe travels in the snow tomorrow.


  3. What beautiful winter past-times. I can't wait to get back to my garden. I am also going to have a container garden with herbs on my deck this year.



 Happy Spring! It's finally actually here. No more saying, "Spring-like"! We've been in the high 70's lately, but toda...