Saturday, November 24, 2012


 Hello! How are you? Have you switched gears from Fall/Thanksgiving to Christmas yet?  I think I'll be putting a little Christmas Spirit around the house today.  Hopefully I can get my tree up, can't wait for someone to get up so we can get it!

Today I'm sharing  my nature collection and joining the fun at Mockingbird Hill Cottage for Favorite Thing Saturday. This has become a favorite of mine, I hope you'll check it out and join in the fun!
                        Here is a shelf that I've dedicated to my collection.  It's just things I've collected over the years...a rock here, a bird feather there. Once while on vacation we visited a zoo and I followed the Avairy guy around as he fed the exotic birds. Woo-hoo! You should have seen my excitement as he brought out feathers for me! Later in the day he found me and gave me a penguin feather! That was so sweet of him, I've always remembered his kindness.  Another time I got an ostrich feather from a man who had a children's petting event at a school I was working at! Their feathers are surprisingly beautiful. 
 I have loved and collected rocks since I was a child.  I have a few rocks from Nova Scotia that my sister brought me. Did you know there are beautiful rocks there? I didn't! They are pink and blue!  Some rocks were gifts from a rock hound I knew. He would bring me beautiful rocks from the digs he went on. The snake skin is from the ball python my son had.
There is also a couple of  arrowheads, a fossil and a civil war bullet in the mix. I hope you've enjoyed this little viewing of my nature shelf! What are some of your favorite things? 
Thanks so much for stopping by! I hope you have a wonderful Saturday!


  1. I see some of your favorites are favorites of mine too. We used to bring a rock home from every vacation. I love the idea of a nature shelf.

  2. I love your feathers! How neat it would be to have a penguin feather! I also love rocks and fancied myself a rock hound when I was a kid. A family friend would send me geodes and other rocks he had collected and I often gathered Petoskey stones from the beaches in Michigan.

    Thanks so much for joining in this week!


  3. Leslie I like your nature shelf. My daughter loved rocks and so we had many come home with us! Hugs, Linda

  4. That is a lovely collection of all things from nature. Wishing you a wonderful weekend. Tammy

  5. How fun to have a nature shelf. And everything has a back story, with memories of where they were found. Love that!

    Happy weekend!

    1. Hi Sally Annie (my daughter's name is Sally Ann!).You're right, everything has a back story! So many of the feathers and rocks were gifts from my children. I've kept some peeling bark that my son gave me probably 15 years ago! He especially would bring me feathers and rocks and interesting fungus. Thanks so much for stopping by!

  6. The feathers are gorgeous. I am not into snakes so not liking the snake skin but can appreciate it's beauty from afar. Visiting from Claudia's, Olive

    1. Hi Olive. So glad you visited! I had to get over my fear of snakes as my son LOVES them. I always have snakes in the house! I love the feathers, too!

  7. I collect things from my garden too!...i was going to do a post of that soon....I like the feathers in glasses!

  8. This is my first week linking with Claudia at MHC and I'm really enjoying visiting everyone's blogs and saying hi. Your Christmas-y banner is inspiring!

  9. Looking at your collection of Nature's gifts you truly are a lover of Nature!I coillect rocks and feathers too!!
    What I do is have a vessel with brown twigs..and I place the feathers among them.
    Hello kindred spirit!

  10. Love your new header...and what a nature collection you have! The feathers are fun...I have a few small bird feathers I put in nests with my little glass birds. I love anything natural and earthy! You are brave to have allowed a snake in your house! LOL...I couldn't sleep at night!
    Miss Bloomers



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