Monday, October 22, 2012


I don't remember a prettier, more delightful autumn.  I'm looking forward to the leaves changing, which will take place in more abundance in November.  I live on a heavily wooded lot, so the falling of the leaves can be quite a chore producing event.  My garden is going to sleep and I've got some clean up work to do.  My Nandina shrub is loaded with berries, which will be a great decoration for Christmas, and my gardenia is throwing a few snowy white blooms here and there.  The light is changing, the leaves are falling and the air has a bit of crispness to it. Rah fall!!
Yesterday I had a fabulous time meeting my old friend from high school. We drove around the old neighborhood and reminisced and laughed because 40 years ago you would find us doing EXACTLY THAT! I can't tell you how many hours we spent driving around, going no where, talking, talking, talking. I'm sure teen angst propelled our conversations. Now adult angst propelled them:)

I'm joining Mosaic Monday at The Little Red House. I hope you're having a great Monday. Thanks for stopping by!


  1. oh I enjoyed youe garden this morning
    those last gasping flowers
    got to love them
    tidy up you say....hmmm
    I better get going...

    1. Well, I say tidy up, but I haven't moved from my Lazyboy yet:)

  2. beautiful garden images. and I love the story of your friend and you. Isn't it so wonderful to have a friend for all those years. Have a wonderful week. I am linking up to you through Mosaic Monday.

    1. Jill, thanks for stopping by! It was such fun getting together and talking about the past.

  3. Leslie, yesterday was so much fun! Next time let's get out of the car and WALK around our old neighborhood!!

    1. Cheri, I will remember yesterday for a long time. I can't wait to get together again. Let's not wait so long, okay?! There is so much more I want to talk about! I wanted to ask if you still played around with your photography. You were always so good!

    2. And I meant to compliment you on your photography! Since we had way too much ground to cover in one visit, we'll definitely have to get together soon. Regarding photography, I used my old Nikkormat until a few years ago and got pretty good pictures of the kids growing up...but what I could have done with a digital camera!

  4. I love going for drives in the country too. Hope you enjoy a lovely Autumn.


  5. Beautiful blossom in that first photo. So creamy white against the dark green. How wonderful to enjoy the last gasp of autumn gardens.

  6. Lovely mosaic -- can't believe that beautiful gardenia is still blooming, wow! Fun to revisit the old neighborhood with an old friend! (And I have old-age angst!)

  7. Wonderful photographs. Glad you could go for a drive with an friend from the past and catch up on the years that passed between you two.
    Joyce M

  8. Autumn has always been the time of year I want to drive and drive. Growing up, the SUnday drive was part of your week end activity - so unlike today which is rush rush games, lacrosse games, meetings, etc for young families. I envy your day with your friend!



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