Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Part II of our weekend trip to the mountains. After we enjoyed lunch in Dahlonega, we traveled down the road a few miles to Amicalola Falls.  
 This small stream, so peaceful and lovely becomes a torrent rushing over the mountain side.

 The picture above was taken on the bridge that spans the creek.  

 I walked down three flights of these steep stairs and took a few pictures of the falls cascading down, but I didn't try to go any farther down (the bottom was 500 feet down). I hardly made it back up from the short distance I did climb!
The name Amicalola is derived  from a Cherokee Indian language word for Tumbling Waters.  (Wikipedia) The falls drop for more than 700 feet.
Amicalola Falls.JPG
I borrowed the above picture from Wikipedia.

A conversation:
Me:  I've never been here before.
Him: Yes you have.
Me: Really? I don't remember, I guess we've just never been to the actual falls.
Him: Yes we have, you thought it was beautiful.
Me: Hmmmm. Am I having a good time in my life?
Him: Yes, you're having a great time.
Me: That's nice. So glad you're remembering my life for me.

When my kids were a lot younger, we pioneer-camped beside a creek at Amicalola, perhaps it was this same creek. Those camping trips have left all of us with such wonderful memories. We wanted to see if we could find the place, but decided we needed to start home before the traffic began to build.
  Perhaps another time.
Thanks so much for stopping by today.  I'll be joining Outdoor Wednesday at A Southern Daydreamer.


  1. Lovely photos with a touch of fall colour on the trees.

  2. Beautiful serene. Thank you so much for sharing.

  3. You are so funny! I laughed when I read your conversation. Thank God for our husbands who can remind us about those little (and not so little) memories...I can SO relate! BTW-your photos are lovely, I felt like I was right there with you. Thanks so much for visiting my blog, I sure appreciate your sweet comments.
    Leslie (aka Gwen Moss)

  4. I want a stream like that in my backyard - not the waterfall part - the smaller version - that is just lovely! Love your blog and photos!

  5. So beautiful nature and beautifully taken photos.



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