Wednesday, October 31, 2012


From Harpo and Groucho! 

Me and an old beau, about 35+ years ago. Have a fun and safe night! Thanks for stopping by.

Sunday, October 28, 2012


I love fungus.  At least, I love this kind of fungus. I think it's so pretty. I happened upon this stick with these beautiful growths on a recent walk through the woods.  I think it looks very pretty with the brown hydrangea and brown leaves. I don't mind at all my garden going to sleep, because I find such joy in the things of darker days.  How do you feel about the passing of Summer? I love this poem by Robert Frost. I always read it in Autumn. 

My November Guest (By Robert Frost)
My Sorrow, when she's here with me,
  Thinks these dark days of autumn rain
Are beautiful as days can be;
She loves the bare, the withered tree;
  She walks the sodden pasture lane.

Her pleasure will not let me stay.

  She talks and I am fain to list:

She's glad the birds are gone away,

She's glad her simple worsted gray
  Is silver now with clinging mist.

The desolate, deserted trees,

  The faded earth, the heavy sky,

The beauties she so truly sees,

She thinks I have no eye for these,
  And vexes me for reason why.

Not yesterday I learned to know
  The love of bare November days

Before the coming of the snow,

But it were vain to tell her so,

  And they are better for her praise
(I don't know why when I post this the spacing is all off, sorry!).
I'm joining Mosaic Monday and Outdoor Wednesday this week.  
I hope you're having a lovely Monday, thanks for stopping by! 

Saturday, October 27, 2012


YES!! I came, I saw, I conquered! That is to say, I came out of my Lazy Boy (that's with a capital L),
I saw the tulips that I have neglected for weeks, and I conquered my sluggard ways and GOT OUT THERE AND PLANTED THEM! Yeah me! No rotting bulbs for me this year! I also planted  two shrubs and moved a few iris.  I need a few more bags of tulips to get the whole garden Spring-pretty ready. I also have some daffodils to plant, but I promise, I'll get to them!

All my awesome work was fueled by this delicious breakfast.
Ahh, Spring, I can't wait to see ya!
Cooler temperatures are moving in tonight. It's been a glorious day. The cloudy skies were a great backdrop for the autumn trees, their colors really standing out. DH treated me to a Mexican dinner after all my hard work in the garden, he's so dear. Hopefully after church tomorrow I'll be able to plant the daffs and another shrub. It's been a fabulous Saturday, how has your day been? Thanks so much for stopping by!

Thursday, October 25, 2012


Some mornings I try to do a little journaling  before work. There are days when it's the only quiet time I get . Work has been rather bumpy lately. I'm looking forward to some time off in November.  

We are still unseasonalbly warm here in Georgia. We need rain! I was walking around the garden tonight and I found a little miniature rose bush that my dh gave me this summer and it had been completely uprooted! 
I guess the deer are hungry.  I planted it back in the ground, but what I really need to do is
 run the sprinkler. It is bone dry out there!  The second photo is a little over-bright because I wanted 
you to see the interesting weed my dh found and brought to me (he is so incredibly sweet).   It has little oval leaves and at the base of each leaf is a little flower like growth that looks like a little tulip, or a crown. 
He would never have even noticed it if it's pretty color hadn't grabbed his eye. 

Here is the little heart rock and Halloween trinket I bought on our recent trip to Dahlonega.  I don't know why, but I am particularly fond of the heart rock! I think it is so pretty.

That's all for now. I hope you're having a wonderful Thursday, Thanks for stopping by!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


If you were supremely cool like me you would find little surprise gifts from your dearest one on your dining room table. He would find them on his dog walk and bring them home for you. You would be some kind of awesome wife to be thought of so sweetly while one is out walking his Man's Best Friend. Just sayin'...:)

Monday, October 22, 2012


I don't remember a prettier, more delightful autumn.  I'm looking forward to the leaves changing, which will take place in more abundance in November.  I live on a heavily wooded lot, so the falling of the leaves can be quite a chore producing event.  My garden is going to sleep and I've got some clean up work to do.  My Nandina shrub is loaded with berries, which will be a great decoration for Christmas, and my gardenia is throwing a few snowy white blooms here and there.  The light is changing, the leaves are falling and the air has a bit of crispness to it. Rah fall!!
Yesterday I had a fabulous time meeting my old friend from high school. We drove around the old neighborhood and reminisced and laughed because 40 years ago you would find us doing EXACTLY THAT! I can't tell you how many hours we spent driving around, going no where, talking, talking, talking. I'm sure teen angst propelled our conversations. Now adult angst propelled them:)

I'm joining Mosaic Monday at The Little Red House. I hope you're having a great Monday. Thanks for stopping by!

Saturday, October 20, 2012

WIP Winter Cross Stitch

I was moving along quite well on my winter cross stitch when I realized I had a whole line that wasn't placed correctly and I had to frog it. Sigh.  Here it is now, minus the offending line.  The stitching doesn't show up very well as the colors are not very vibrant, but I still love it.
What do you have planned this weekend? I'm really going to try to get my bulbs planted (no really! I am!). I have a lunch date with an old high school friend! Can't wait to see her.  One vivid memory I have of her is that we often went to the park and picked violets in the Spring. She would collect a HUGE handful, making a lovely little bouquet, but my can't/won't-stick- to- it attitude would kick in and I would only have a small, non-impressive little bit to that wouldn't even fill out a small vase...funny how you remember things like that.

I hope your are having a lovely Saturday, thanks for stopping by!

Thursday, October 18, 2012


I've had such a lovely day. The beautiful bouquet of flowers is from the PTO at my school. Wasn't that thoughtful of them?! My sweet and thoughtful dh always makes the day so special. You'd think I was a princess. He brought me lunch to work. Then he grilled my favorite - Salmon - for dinner. He gave me a few charms for my bracelet and a beautiful Bromeliad. This morning when I went to get my coffee I was greeted with  two handwritten personal notes from my children. They always write the sweetest things. I'm so blessed! Thanks for stopping by, I hope you've had a lovely Thursday. 

Saturday, October 13, 2012


How is your Saturday? It's been a lovely day, one that has kept me outside for much of it.  I still haven't gotten to my tulips.  I had every intention of planting them today, but suddenly I had an urge to make a wreath and I did that instead.  I should say I attempted to make a wreath.  You can see I need to tweak my technique a bit.  But it was fun and I'll work to get better. I was working on it and then kind of rushed at the end because my dh came in.  I don't work well with someone watching me, so I rushed it and photographed it before I actually stopped to look at it.  If I had not been interrupted I think it would have looked a little better. Perhaps I'll have a chance tomorrow to work on it a bit. 
I hope you're having a great Saturday. Thanks so much for stopping by! 

Friday, October 12, 2012


Beautiful weekend ahead.  Blue skies, pleasant temperatures, smiley faces all around! I hope to plant some tulips. I still don't have them all purchased, next payday I'll buy more.  The squirrels are so busy preparing for  winter, I thought I would  help them out. I bought some plain raw peanuts and put them out and about. I don't think they've found them yet, or maybe they have better things to gather for now. 

The little arrangement above, with the green berries, was inspired by this pretty little pot (click here) at Bloomsterverkstad. I LOVE her interesting and fun projects. I like her berries better, but I found the berries of my Red Tip (Photinia) shrubs work well. 

I hope you are having a wonderful Friday. Thanks so much for stopping by! 

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Part II of our weekend trip to the mountains. After we enjoyed lunch in Dahlonega, we traveled down the road a few miles to Amicalola Falls.  
 This small stream, so peaceful and lovely becomes a torrent rushing over the mountain side.

 The picture above was taken on the bridge that spans the creek.  

 I walked down three flights of these steep stairs and took a few pictures of the falls cascading down, but I didn't try to go any farther down (the bottom was 500 feet down). I hardly made it back up from the short distance I did climb!
The name Amicalola is derived  from a Cherokee Indian language word for Tumbling Waters.  (Wikipedia) The falls drop for more than 700 feet.
Amicalola Falls.JPG
I borrowed the above picture from Wikipedia.

A conversation:
Me:  I've never been here before.
Him: Yes you have.
Me: Really? I don't remember, I guess we've just never been to the actual falls.
Him: Yes we have, you thought it was beautiful.
Me: Hmmmm. Am I having a good time in my life?
Him: Yes, you're having a great time.
Me: That's nice. So glad you're remembering my life for me.

When my kids were a lot younger, we pioneer-camped beside a creek at Amicalola, perhaps it was this same creek. Those camping trips have left all of us with such wonderful memories. We wanted to see if we could find the place, but decided we needed to start home before the traffic began to build.
  Perhaps another time.
Thanks so much for stopping by today.  I'll be joining Outdoor Wednesday at A Southern Daydreamer.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


We took a lovely trip to the mountains of North Georgia. Just a little family get-a-way.  It's so rare for all of us to be together, which made it all the sweeter.
We went to the city of Dahlonegha, where the first major Gold Rush happened in the 1800's.  It's also where the Appalachian Trail starts.  .
The day was cool and cloudy, with a heavy haze over the mountains.

This was taken from the lodge at the top of the mountain. I would have loved to sit in one of those Adirondack chairs with a cup of hot chocolate, what a gorgeous view!
The town is beautiful and quaint and interesting, too!  
  The square was wonderful. I bought a few knick-knacks, but they really called to me and made me smile.  We had a blast going in all the shops, and managed to get away with having only spent $12.00... not including lunch. 
 I liked these pots, they had small stones mortared in, sideways. I liked the blue one.  They were a little out of my price range, about $80.00 for the tall ones.
 I bought a pretty little heart rock in this store. I'll show it to you in another post.
 Boxes, I've always had a thing for boxes.  
After we left the square we went to Amicalola Falls.  I'll share about that in another post. 
 It was such a lovely day, spent with my husband and children and dear SIL. 
Thanks so much for stopping by! I hope you've had a great Tuesday.

Friday, October 5, 2012


Another crazy quilt square for you.  I love all of the embellishment on this square, especially the little flower motif above.  It is made with bullion stitch, oyster stitch and detached buttonhole.  This has been a very difficult block to photograph.  Some of the other blocks I photographed outside in natural sunlight, but this one I didn't take outside. Now I really wish I had.  I even used a tripod, but it doesn't look like I did.  It seems so blurry, which I thought the tripod would have taken care of.

I have a four day weekend ahead! We are going to take a little day trip on Monday, all of us. It's so special when all of us can go somewhere together. I'm really looking forward to it.

Hope you are having a great Friday! Thanks for stopping by.


 Happy Spring! It's finally actually here. No more saying, "Spring-like"! We've been in the high 70's lately, but toda...