Sunday, August 12, 2012


We've had abundant rain lately, even a thurnderstorm with lightening! This morning the temperature was verging on cool, almost needing a light sweater, (in Georgia!). It's hard to believe it's already mid August. 

 The garden is winding down. Usually my garden is still going strong with annuals now, but this year I've not had good bloom on the begonias that I replaced the ailing impatience with.  Is that due to my negligence? I have not fertilized them in a while and I'm thinking of trimming them back and giving a good dose of Miracle Grow. I usually have good annual growth through October, at least.  

 For years I have planted Purple Fountain Grass in my garden urn, but I just haven't been happy with it for the last two years.  Perhaps the lack of sun is finally starting to affect it. I have found a gorgeous container on Pinterest that I am thinking of copying next year. You can see it by clicking here. Dichondra does grow good in my shady garden, and I think this arrangement will be beautiful all summer.  I can't wait!

I have already started going through my photographs and making plans for next year.  I had forgotten  how pretty the garden was in June.  Even with the Impatience being replaced, I had a lot of good things going on (if you click on the picture it will open it in a bigger window, the only way to really see it in all it's beauty!). 

Every year I write myself a note that says, "BUY MORE LILIES", and I put it on February and March's calendar for the next year.  I bought ONE lilly this year.  I should have bought so many more! But at least I bought one!  I would also like to get more White Coneflowers.  I gathered seeds this year because I read that's the best way to reproduce.  But I'm not really optimistic, the pink ones pop up all over the place, but I've had a white one for several years and never had one pop up.  We'll see.

Today has been a lazy day for me. After church we had chili and cornbread, and then just settled in to watch some golf. When the sun goes down I might go out to the garden for a bit and do a little maintenance.  I hope you are having a lovely Sunday. Thanks so much for stopping by! 

I'll be participating in Seasonal Sundays at The Tablescaper and Outdoor Wednesday at A Southern Daydreamer. 


  1. Your looks lovely, the flowers are all beautiful. I love the lilies too, always nice to see big groups clumped together.

    1. Thanks Eileen. Hopefully I'll buy a lot more NEXT YEAR!

  2. I think your flowers look wonderful, Leslie! Most of my annuals succumbed to the heat in spite of my watering and fertilizing. The impatiens didn't die, they just didn't grow and I am so happy to see that my petunias actually love the heat if they are not in the direct sun. I plan to stock up on some spring bulbs in a few weeks to add to my daffodils and tulips.

    It's still rainy and gloomy here in the Midwest. I actually wore flannels last night!! ;-D. I love it when it's in the 70's and 80's! Have a wonderful Sunday!


    1. Thanks! This has not been the beat year for annuals, has it? My impatience got some kind of disease. I had about 30 plants and all of them died. My petunias do great until about August, then they really decline. I trimmed them back today and fertilized them, hopefully they'll come back strong. I still have a long growing time ahead!

  3. Your garden is looking good and the seed heads on your clematis reminded me that mine started blooming again this week...only a few small ones. I thought the thing had died because of the heat. Good idea to rejuvenate your annuals. I really need to do that too. My petunias could use a good dose of Miracle=Gro. Enjoy your gardening time this evening.I need to do that too. :)

    1. Oh Babs! How lucky to have your clematis rebloom! Do you cut them back after their initial bloom? I've never quite got the idea of the "Group" numbers. I cut back my begonias and my petuias tonight and fertilized, hopefully I'll get some god growth.

  4. Your garden looks great. This has really been a challenging summer with the heat. I was just reading some of your prior post. I loved the time lapsed photos of the flower garden... great idea.

    1. Thanks so much Mel! I've done a lot of watering this summer. We've had a lot of rain lately, but I guess it only wet the surface because tonight when I went out I noticed the garden was bone dry! I had to give it a good watering.

  5. You still have lovely blooms in your garden. I have yellow day lilies like yours, my favorites. Mine usually give me a few more blooms during the summer but this year not so. I need to do lots of miracle grow this fall. Loved your post.

    The French Hutch

    1. Thanks Emily! I love the yellow daylilies, I love the double bloom one the most. Yellow is such a nice pop of color in the garden.

  6. It's always nice to see color and blooms in the garden! I've been able to keep my garden going despite the heat and lack of rain. We are finally getting rain, and the grass is almost green again. But I can't complain....we've had a wonderful summer.

    1. Debbie, we've been getting some much needed rain too! We're going to have to replant grass this fall. We tried this spring but accidently picked up the wrong kind and it hasn't done too well.

  7. Your gardens are very beautiful. Our summer has been so hot and humid that it's hard for me to get outside. I am so ready for FALL!! I think I should start buying some types of flowers to plant. I love color!! I was also checking out your previous post about your son and the snake...uhhhh...he's brave. Even though it's a black snake, I don't think I could pick one up. I know you must be glad he's watching over things. Your posts are wonderful. I love the wide open spaces. Sounds like you get a lot of neat "visitors."

    1. Thanks Brenda! I'm with you, I'm ready for fall! I have never bought too many fall plants, but this year I was thinking about planting some pansies to go with the tulips I want to plant. Won't they be pretty in the Spring? Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Hi Leslie! I love your garden! It is lovely!! Do you have magnolias on your property too? Thanks for looking at my grdn! I like your blog and am your newest follower! Great week! Dianna(sunny109)

    1. Hi Di! I'm so glad you like my garden! I do not have any magnolias on my property, but I sure wish I did because I am going to use Magnolia leaves on my Thanksgiving table, if I can find some! Thanks for stopping by and following me back!

  10. it's cooler up here in NJ too and I'm relieved
    beautiful garden

  11. Oh I think your gardens are still very beautiful Leslie. Summer is certainly winding down. We did have a lot of humidity this year. A thunderstorm would sound good about now!
    have a lovely week,
    Hugs Rosemary...xo



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