Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Our little chirpy residents have flown the coop (or the nest)! I am ecstatic that they survived the extreme heat and our stalking kitty and the 5 ft snake (I'll post about it a little later).  I tried so many times to get a picture of the eggs, but I guess they were deep down in the nest.  After the babies hatched I tried again, but they would draw back into the nest when I approached.  Finally, just the day before they flew away, my daughter caught this one peeking out.  Isn't she sweet!  Now my dear daughter advises me that we must leave the Christmas wreath up because the  birds will come back next year, dismantle the old nest, and using the same materials, rebuild.  Hmmm.  Not sure about that, we'll see:)

You can just see the beak of the other one.  She's a little more shy. After they flew away we found on little unhatched egg. 

I just love the nest.  I would really hate to destroy it.

 Maybe a Christmas wreath, left out all year, isn't such a bad thing!  

What do you think?

I hope you are having a great Wednesday!  Thanks for stopping by. I'm joining Outdoor Wednesday at A Southern Dreamer, I hope you'll drop by.


  1. Hi Leslie: How sweet. Isn't if funny, you never can tell what attracts a bird to a place to call home. I don't know if they would come back or not but you could try for the year and see, if you station alot of faux flowers or whatever you could to disguise the wreath part it would look great..Happy Wednesday..Judy

  2. Love it! It would be hard for me to take down also... Maybe another feathered family will move in to the nest!

  3. I'll bet you can add seasonal decor to the wreath and keep it up year round!

  4. Wow, you had an emotional time behind you:)

  5. You can take the nest and use it in your decor. The birds will come back and build a new one. We ahve had MANY babies born here. Great pictures. Pinky

  6. What a cute shot of the bird peeking out of the nest and wreath. You can also take down the wreath and put it back up again before spring. Your birds must love the wreath. Great pic's and Happy Sunday!



 I was on FB today when I ran across a picture of a male Bowerbird. Have you heard of them? I had read an article some time ago. Today I loo...