Friday, March 30, 2012


Easter Past.  My sis and I posing after church at my Grandparents house.  I felt so grown-up with my curled hair and white tights.  I remember there was embroidery on my sleeves.  I'm holding something, and I've always thought it was a bunny, but I really don't remember.    Dig my big sis' hat with veil.  Oh how much I wanted to be as grown-up as her!  I couldn't wait until I was old enough to wear a hat with a veil.  Alas, it was not to be - by the time I was old enough the style was gone, heavy sigh.  I think I was in about the 6th grade and she was in the 8th.  1966 I think.

I really enjoy looking at childhood pictures and seeing if I can remember anything about it.  I do remember this dress and shoes.  I thought they were the prettiest things I'd ever owned. I remember my grandmother's swing that you can see behind us.  She had one of the old metal gliders on her front porch, where I spent many a Summer night chatting with the other teens in the neighborhood, drinking a coke and trying to beat the heat. I used to spend the night often in my early teen years.

This is a picture of my Grandmother's house.  It passed into other hands many, many years ago and is now in a very crime ridden, run down neighborhood in Atlanta.  It's still the best looking house in the neighborhood.  My dad and I drove by one day after attending a funeral in the old neighborhood about 5 years ago.  I was happy to see it so well tended when every other house is in disrepair.  Such sweet memories.

Thanks for stopping by.  I hope your Easter plans are coming together. 


  1. You look darling in your dress, Leslie! I remember so many pictures like this taken at Easter with me and my sisters dressed in our new dresses and coats. We passed down a lot of clothes, but never Easter clothes, they were always new to us! So many happy memories! Thanks for sharing yours!


  2. Oh The memories you've brought with your photo! We are the same age THEREFORE I remember your feelings "Oh So Well"! How about GLOVES? I had the cutest little pair of stretch white ones that I think about to this day! I LOVED those little gloves. OH THE HATS! As a Catholic we HAD TO WEAR THEM. I STILL LOVE,LOVE,LOVE hats although I NEVER,NEVER,NEVER wear them,hehe! You and your sister look beautiful in your Sunday Best! I'm SO HAPPY you peeked into my Land of Blog. It was such a pleasure to have you at my table...
    Have a wonderful weekend,

  3. Our Easter dresses or outfits always made us feel so special. My Mom used to make so many of my outfits and even little spring coats. Thanks for sharing and the house still looks pretty good, my grandmother's old house burned a few years ago.

  4. I love your Easter outfits. We were just talking about that. We always got white shoes, new socks, hats, gloves purses and a dress for Easter. I always felt so special. I especially loved the hats and hers is fab! I wish they would come back in style. I know what it is like being the younger sister. I always waited to get to have her clothes! I loved hand me downs!

  5. It is sad what has happened to many of the older, established neighborhoods. I remember the hats and gloves well. :D What is funny - now I can't stand to have a hat on my head and have not worn gloves of any kind in years except when it was bitter cold and had to scrape ice off the windshield to drive to work.
    Thanks for stopping by. I used the editing feature on photobucket (free edition) to removed the sign and light poles in the picture. I have heard there are better options out there, but just have not taken the time to explore them.
    Hope you are enjoying your weekend.

  6. What a sweet post and you look so cute in your Easter finery! Love your grandmas hard to see our precious family homes in neighborhoods that are less than desirable. My grannies house belongs to people I don't even know. Glad you have such great memories of those days at grandmas...I have many happy memories of spending time at my grannies house! Thanks for sharing!
    Miss Bloomers

  7. Oh, I love seeing the old photo of you and your sis. You have such a wonderful memory of that Easter. Looking at your photo makes me want to dig around for some old photos of my own.

  8. ah the white stockings! I remember them well. I was in grade 6 in 1966 too and had a pair as well! how smart I thought I looked in them when going out. I had white gloves as well when I was a little girl for wearing to church. I so loved those gloves! I never got to the hat with veil wearing stage either. I remember my aunt had one for her wedding when I was about 5. Thanks for the trip down memory lane.



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