Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Pretty Pot

Today was my first day back to work and I was happy to be back and greet the children.  Elementary school around the holidays is a happening place!   I planted a couple of pots for our entrance and they have turned out so pretty.  I enlisted the trusty help of a 4th grader to help me keep them watered and she has done such a fantastic job!

I really love the different textures in this pot.

I wish I could bring the helper to my house to water my pots!  I really hate watering chores!

Creeping Jenny and that little Sedum are really fantastic.  The Asparagus Fern is a nice contrast, along with the big, shiny leaves of the geranium. So sad to know that this will all be gone, but I think it will make it through December.  We usually don't have sustained cold until Janaury.  Hope you're still getting some joy from your garden pots or plants!

1 comment:

  1. A wonderful composition! Thank You for your generous comment at Nature Trail!



I'm actually seeing some spring magic in my garden! Little green tips poking through the leaf littered ground.  Hyacinths and dasffodils...