Thursday, March 20, 2025


 Happy Spring! It's finally actually here. No more saying, "Spring-like"! We've been in the high 70's lately, but today we reached our high of 60 early this morning. Now the temperature is dropping into the 50's. No big deal, but kind of funny - the first day of spring we have the coolest temperatures in a few weeks! 

I love daffodils. I don't have that many planted, but I hope to change that this fall. They are one of the first signs of spring around here. As I drive around town I see them still blooming and am slightly disappointed I don't have some still blooming.

This picture is too bright. I was taking it during the sunniest part of the day. I'll be planting these in the yard soon. I hope they do well and bloom next spring.

We're still waiting on the insurance company to come assess the damage to the house. We still have the tree leaning on it. We'll have to hire someone to come take care of it. I hope it doesn't cost too much.

I hope you're having a lovely week. Thanks for dropping by.


  1. I don't think the picture is too bright. Because you can see how the sun is shining on them!! Gosh, I hope it doesn't cost too much to get that tree off your house!

    1. I'm afraid to find out how much it's going to cost. I wonder if the insurance company will pay for it or if we have to foot that bill.

  2. Oh, what are these cute little purple plants you have?

    1. I think they are viola's. I love their pretty color.

  3. Daffodils are so pretty! We planted a bunch a few years ago, and love seeing them in the summer.
    I hope your insurance company comes through for you!

    1. Oh wow! Your daffodils don't bloom until summer? That's crazy! I know you'll enjoy them.

  4. Oh yes first day of Spring. 43 first thing this morn and now it is snowing, lol.
    Love the daffodils. My mini ones are opening despite the change in weather. Hope you find reliable roofing workmen. and soon too.

    1. It 's been chilly here, it's a blustery day. Don't guess there is a chance for us to get any more snow. That would be fun.

  5. absolutely gorgeous!

  6. The equinox tells us that it’s spring, but just to remind us that spring can be fickle, yesterday we had rain with a little snow mixed in, and strong winds. It seemed especially cruel after a few days of warm, pleasant weather. Snowdrops are everywhere, however, and crocuses are pushing up through the soil. Happy days!

    1. I've never seen snowdrops around here. I wonder if we can't grow them. I don't see many crocuses being grown around here either. They are two really pretty flowers. The little snowdrops are just precious.

  7. Those daffs are just spectacular. I'm so glad spring is official, despite the fact that it's 26 right now (early morning) and temps are due to drop more over the weekend. But just knowing it's really spring is a plus. Hope you can get the tree and damage taken care of soon.

    1. We're having cold mornings, but warming up nicely in the afternoon. All our trees are leafing out and our cherry trees are in full bloom. They are so pretty.

  8. Hooray for daffies!
    We await a plumber here. Home ownership ain't for chumps!

    1. Hope you get your plumber quicker than we're getting anything done on our fallen tree.

  9. I love the yellows. Spring here in name only. Heat up and burrrr. Soon though.

    1. Yes, soon for you I hope. We're cold in the morning but warming up nicely in the afternoon.

  10. Hope the insurance company 'springs' into action soonest!

  11. Happy Spring! Hope the tree removal goes smoothly and your new daffodils bloom beautifully next year!



 Happy Spring! It's finally actually here. No more saying, "Spring-like"! We've been in the high 70's lately, but toda...