Sunday, March 16, 2025


 How did everyone fair Saturday night with the storms? It wasn't the storms that got us, it was the wind. It blew a tree down onto our house. Not a giant tree, but big enough to cause damage. It didn't come through the ceiling, thank goodness.  The actual storm hadn't even arrived yet. As you can see, we still have our Christmas lights up! May have to get them down for repairs to be done. 

Spring has definitely sprung around here. Bradford Pear trees are leafing out, their pretty white blooms being crowded out. The trees have a nice green haze around them as their leaves start to emerge. We've had a busy week and I'm looking forward to a week with nothing to do. I hope your upcoming week will be a great one. Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Oh my! I'm sorry about the damage, but thankful no one was hurt. We had lots of wind too but just had to deal with a power outage because of it. We also had the worst air quality in the US (I'm in West MI) because dust from storms out west blew in. Everything looked hazy because of it.

  2. Oh my gosh!! I'm so glad it didn't come through the ceiling, and no one was hurt. That looks like considerable damage. Will insurance pay for it? I hope you can get it repaired quickly.

  3. I am sorry to see that you had damage like that, but as the shopworn expression says, it might have been worse. Perhaps it was delivering a message that Christmas lights should come down before March! I hope the recovery is swift and that if you have to deal with an insurance claim you don’t get a runaround.

  4. So very sorry to see that a tree fell on your house. It's such an expense these days to repair anything in a roof even more so. Hope you can get it done soon. Glad that you are safe otherwise from the storms. Up here thankfully it was just wind and lots of rain but no tornadoes. Still no daffodils blooming by the way

  5. Yikes! That must have been very scary. I am always nervous during strong wind events. Sure hope it is a relatively easy fix.



 How did everyone fair Saturday night with the storms? It wasn't the storms that got us, it was the wind. It blew a tree down onto our h...