Thursday, January 9, 2025


The watch is on. It won't be long before we have snowflakes and, unfortunately, ice. But even if we have ice, it should all turn to rain later in the day tomorrow. I didn't have any pretty clouds today but I found these pretty cloud pictures that I took last year. 


My son and I spent some time collecting kindling. I took a tumble, tripping over a rock. I hit my head on the ground, but it was nice and soft so no problem. I was moved to sad disappointment tears when I saw my poor bird tree (just kidding, but I was sad). We've got to carry it back into the woods.

I can't wait for tomorrow. I'm excited to see how my two puppers handle the snow. They've never seen it before. I think one will run and play, but the other will be stressed and get scared and run in to the house.

I hope you are staying warm. Thanks for stopping by.



 Big storms were predicted night before last, and some people did get them. Luckily, we just had some rain. But yesterday, after the rain ha...