Friday, January 10, 2025


I made this sun catcher a few years ago and want to make another one. I think it's so cute and it was so easy! I used a cake pan with a little water and orange peel, red berries, leaves and put in the freezer. A lot of cuteness for very little effort!

 It's been so long since we had any snow....well, actually, not snow here in Newnan, we're getting sleet. We've got about 2 inches. It is going to freeze so hard. But it looks just as pretty as snow. Just can't make a snowman. I don't really understand because the county next to ours is getting all snow. Daughter is in the North Georgia mountains so she should be getting lots of snow. Can't wait to see her pictures. 

We've got a nice fire going. Need to start thinking about breakfast.

I hope you are warm and cozy. Thanks for stopping by.


  1. With our cold weather this would last while . We are waiting for the 4 inches to get here tonight. Clever craft idea until it warms up, lol.

    1. Yes, watching it melt away is a little sad, lol. We got a good 2 inches of sleet. I guess if it had been snow we would have a bunch more. It looks beautiful.

  2. I don't like that in-between weather. Gimme snow or rain!

  3. Agreed! I'm good with rain, love it actually!



 Big storms were predicted night before last, and some people did get them. Luckily, we just had some rain. But yesterday, after the rain ha...