Saturday, September 8, 2012

The Woods

September hasn't disappointed! Already a full day of clouds and rain.  Later today a cold front will move in and take away the humidity and bring us some fall-like temperatures.  I"m so excited!  

I have been diligently stitching on my winter cross stitch...and diligently frogging a lot, too. Boo-hoo! But it's all part of it, I guess.  I got to add some blue lettering and it really made my heart sing.  I'll try to post a picture on the next post.  I just love sitting here in my comfy chair, stitching, watching some TV, looking out my windows to the declining garden.  Some people hate to see their garden go, but honestly, I love it.  I love to see it's flowers being replaced by fallen leaves. I love, love, love the lower light. The way the sun is hitting the tree leaves right now is so pretty. I can see so much from my's a Lazy makes you my preacher once said, "They don't call it Work Hard Boy".  I've always remembered how much that made me laugh, he probably said that in a sermon 20 years ago, and I still think about it when I sit in my LB, not working hard:)

BTW, that first picture is of  Hearts-A-Bustin. It grows wild in the woods around my house.  I just love the way the little balls change colors, from green to pink and orange. The deer love it, so I was lucky to be able to photograph the ripe fruit.

I hope you are having a lovely Saturday, thanks for stopping by!


  1. oh that's a new plant to me...and I like it
    I will look it up..thanks
    and that gave me a laugh...hard work boy recliner
    we had a Pastor like that years funny and loveable
    may I just say I like you
    and your posts....wwe see life much the same
    enjoy your stitching
    me...I'm ready a mystery for my book club on Tuesday..I waited 'till the last minute!

  2. I love a walk in the woods at this time of year! Our leaves haven't started to change but fall is in the's in the 60's today and not a speck of humidity. I love it! I'm looking forward to see what you are working on!


  3. Hello there Leslie : )
    Thank you for dropping by my blog and leaving such nice comments : )
    I feel the same way you do about the Autumn season taking over .. I don't mind it a bit , especially since this past summer was such a dry hot one .. our gardens need a rest don't they?
    Those little berries are sweet .. I love the woods .. the smell , the crunch of the leaves as you step on them .. I was lucky as a little girl to be able to play in a beautiful forest area .. plus the Atlantic ocean and beautiful lakes and rivers .. memories I want to keep forever!LOL
    Your stitching is absolutely gorgeous ! I love seeing all the samples on the sidebar here.
    Do you decorate for Halloween ? .. I have some fun with it .. it makes me smile BIG time : )
    Have a great weekend .. I am enjoying the rain here : )



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