Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Lest you think when I write about golf cart riding with my dad that it's a peaceful, quiet is what a ride on the golf cart with my Dad looks like....

Whoosh!!!  He's 87...drives like a bat out of h.---!

 But when I yell, "STOP", he obliges! I just love all the little ducks on the lake, and their little trails. 

It's a Blue Heron.  Isn't he pretty????!!

 More duck trails.
Two Turtles! The other just has his head out of the water. Can you see the spider web strand?

Golf cart rides can be such fun on pretty fall days! I know it isn't really fall yet, but my mind is already there, and it refuses to go back!

I'm joining the party at A Southern Daydreamer for Outdoor Wednesday. I hope you'll hop over and take a look! Thanks for stopping by!

Monday, September 17, 2012


Saturday was a beautiful day to have an arts and craft fair.   This little craft fair is held in the small town next to my own, and my father lives there. He takes me in the golf cart and reads the paper while I look around. I was there early, but the aroma of Funnel Cakes was already heavy in the air. Aren't they devine?!?  My dad and I shared one and practically needed a bath by the time we got home - the jostling of the cart paths making a cloud of powdered sugar around us and on us:)   Today there was a potter that I really liked and I purchased  two simple little pieces. There were a few other potters, but my lady was the one I liked the best.  She had a beautiful large bowl, and I really, REALLY loved it, but I just have no where to display it so I passed it by.  It was fun to walk among the vendors and see the different craftsmen. So many talented people in this world!

I hope you've had a great Monday, thanks for stopping by!

Saturday, September 15, 2012


Hi all! I hope you are enjoying your weekend. Our temperatures are inching back up, but surely that crispy fall air will arrive soon!  I'm spending a lot of time on my winter stitching and really loving it.  I'll be working on the second half soon!

Today I will be attending a small craft fair. My Dad drives me on the golf cart, it's fabulous to not have to deal with traffic.  I hope there will be a good selection of vendors this year. Last year it seemed to have less participation.

Happy Saturday! Thanks for stopping by!

Monday, September 10, 2012


The squirrels must be giddy!

 Breakfast of champions...sort of  
 *update...I did not notice the headline in the paper, I am not making a statement! :)  It's just what was on the front page. 

When I look at these pictures I realize 3 things:
                     1.  I need photography lessons :)
                     2.  I'm really looking forward to cooler weather
                     3.  I didn't finish the quilt....sigh

The quilt I made several years ago.  It's wonderfully heavy. The fabrics were taken from a decorator fabric book. The quilt name is Trafalgar Charm (I think). The original quilt was a Charm Quilt - a quilt that doesn't repeat any fabrics. I think I probably did.  Each block is only 4 pieces and there are only 2 shapes. Really easy.  I hand quilted the big blue border and the paisley border, but tied the inside.  I just realized there are still some safety pins that I didn't notice.  I'll need to tie those off this winter.  The colors are really rich but they just don't show up well in the photo (see #1).

It was a wonderful weekend. A cold front pushed through and took away the humidity. We were all happy to just be piddling around the house.  I'm enjoying my winter cross stitching and made a lot of progress over the weekend.

I hope you are having a wonderful Monday! Thanks so much for stopping by.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

The Woods

September hasn't disappointed! Already a full day of clouds and rain.  Later today a cold front will move in and take away the humidity and bring us some fall-like temperatures.  I"m so excited!  

I have been diligently stitching on my winter cross stitch...and diligently frogging a lot, too. Boo-hoo! But it's all part of it, I guess.  I got to add some blue lettering and it really made my heart sing.  I'll try to post a picture on the next post.  I just love sitting here in my comfy chair, stitching, watching some TV, looking out my windows to the declining garden.  Some people hate to see their garden go, but honestly, I love it.  I love to see it's flowers being replaced by fallen leaves. I love, love, love the lower light. The way the sun is hitting the tree leaves right now is so pretty. I can see so much from my's a Lazy makes you my preacher once said, "They don't call it Work Hard Boy".  I've always remembered how much that made me laugh, he probably said that in a sermon 20 years ago, and I still think about it when I sit in my LB, not working hard:)

BTW, that first picture is of  Hearts-A-Bustin. It grows wild in the woods around my house.  I just love the way the little balls change colors, from green to pink and orange. The deer love it, so I was lucky to be able to photograph the ripe fruit.

I hope you are having a lovely Saturday, thanks for stopping by!

Thursday, September 6, 2012


Wow! That got your attention!  But, really, I believe you will agree.

We had a lovely rainy day the other day.  All day the rain came down, heavy at times, sometimes just a misty bit. It was so fall-ish.   The temperature stayed a little on the pleasant-cool side.  My desk looks out the front of the school and I have the pleasure of being able to look out the front windows all day.  But rain is not exactly a pleasure during dismissal.  Tiny tots squeezed under umbrellas, trying to make it to the bus without getting soaked.  But oh my goodness! The sight I saw was too precious! I rushed to get my camera, and unfortunately, some of the children had already been boarded.  There had been a whole line of them, teeny, tiny people with their little cow umbrellas, led by their faithful teacher...

I wish I could have gotten a picture when there were at least 15 children with their little umbrellas. How adorable! Now I can't wait for another miserable dismissal!

I hope you enjoyed this little slice of life at my school. Thank so much for stopping by. I hope you had a great Thursday!

Monday, September 3, 2012


Pretty September skies! Lately the clouds have been so lovely, puffy and plentiful.  I can see some of the trees are already starting to change, which seems early here in Georgia. Usually our prettiest time will be in November. The first photo is of a Lace Cap Hydrangea. I love the odd leaf it has thrown.  So creamy colored in contrast to the green and white of the other leaves.

 I'm so wanting the cooler temperatures that are still a ways off. I decided to do a winter cross stitch to keep me happy.  It's on 28 ct linen and boy am I having trouble seeing!  I haven't been using a hoop, but I think I will use one and see if it helps.  I'm doing 2 over 2, and it's still hard.  Maybe it's time I get one of those big, goofy looking magnifying glasses that hangs around your neck.  I can seriously hear the laughter, but what's a girl to do?

I"m enjoying my day off today. We don't have any big plans, just enjoying the day together. I think we might grill some ribs. I would like to get in the garden, but honestly, it's still too hot.  And the humidity has been really high lately. Guess I'll just try to squint and do a little stitching. I hope you're having a great Labor Day, thanks for stopping by!

Saturday, September 1, 2012


I'm so glad to see September finally arrive! I love fall, and the changing of the light. Some things in the garden are putting out a final hurrah. The Purple Fountain Grass is looking handsome, though everything else in the pot  has passed on.  The little rose has a few flowers and buds. The Caladium still looks fantastic! I wish I could keep it for next year.  We've had a lot of rain lately. I'm hoping for a very pretty fall. 

Sorry I've been gone for so long, just trying to get back in the swing of things.  We had a medical emergency with my son last week and spent several days at the hospital, but all is well now. I haven't made the blog rounds, but I have 3 days off and hope to visit everyone soon!

I hope you're having a lovely Saturday. Thanks for stopping by!


 Happy Spring! It's finally actually here. No more saying, "Spring-like"! We've been in the high 70's lately, but toda...