Friday, March 21, 2008

Cleanup Day

Today dh took the day off and worked in the yard. There is so much to do and I know it may not look like much to anyone else, but to me it looks like he must have worked hard all day. Just the leaf pile-up was enough - and he removed all of the leaves from an area that was knee-deep in them. There also was an old potting table with way too many plastic pots laying about. He tidied that up too. Then he raked...and raked...and raked...well, you get the idea. The area on the right of the house is where he removed all the leaves and tidied up. You can see we are in great need of some grass. Never have been good at grass growing, but by September, it will be pretty, though weedy.

Next up is a picture of a pretty pot I planted with muscari. I forgot to plant them last fall and eneded up dumping them in this pot - old potting soil and all - and just look at them! They are so pretty. I love the little pots on this table. I found the vinyl tablecloth at Big Lots for about $2.00 and thought it would nicely hide the ugle plastic table. I can't wait for that big pot of tulips to begin blooming!

Hopefully I'll get some good time in the garden tomorrow.

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 I was on FB today when I ran across a picture of a male Bowerbird. Have you heard of them? I had read an article some time ago. Today I loo...