Wednesday, January 29, 2025


 We had some welcome rain this week. It just drizzled all day. Nice and misty and drizzly. I love the rain. There is just something wonderful about a day of rain. Often our rain is at night, where you can't really enjoy it. This weeks rain was all day long. So nice.

This little cedar tree sparkled with drops of rain. I thought it was so pretty.

This morning the temperature is hovering around 35F but it will warm up nicely to 64F. The sky is breaking a beautiful blue, not a cloud in sight. Thanks so much for stopping by. Take care and stay warm!


  1. What a beautiful picture. We had such a drought this past summer and into fall and early winter. Hope that doesn't bode bad for this year. We have our January thaw this week. Grateful to get in a short walk of one mile yesterday and hope to do a bit more today.

    1. Our temperatures are moderating. Low 30's in the a.m. but one day the high will be 70! I'm looking forward to that. Impressed that you walked a mile, I really need to start an exercise program. Last night I made a promise to myself that I would get healthier.

  2. This is such a beautiful picture of the raindrops on the tip ends of the cedar branches. I do love a soft gentle rain. Can you believe we were in the lower 20's last week...expecting 73 degrees on Sunday. Oh well..just have to roll with it. Have a wonderful Wednesday...

    1. I'm not ready for the 70 degree weather! I want more fires and cozy meals. Thanks for visiting and leaving your kind comment. Take care.

  3. How lovely that photo is. Our sunny weather will be changing to rain today or tomorrow, too. We do need some - we're having a very dry January so far. Enjoy a cozy indoor day.

    1. I don't think we'll be having any more winter weather. This week we're getting up to 70F. My daffodils will be blooming soon! Enjoy your rainy day. Take care.

  4. Bravo on the great snap of the raindrops....
    Hugs Cecilia

    1. Thanks! I appreciate your kind comment. Thanks for visiting. Take care.

  5. Nice raindrop closeup capture. I could wish we had your weather (it's blustery and snowing right now) but that will come one day.

    1. Thanks for visiting and leaving a kind comment on the photo. Sorry that you're still experiencing winter. I bet we will have spring like temperatures from now on.

  6. Nothing prettier than water dripping off leaves on a tree.

    1. I agree and am pleased the picture came out pretty good. Thanks for visiting and leaving a comment. Take care.

  7. I think of all the greens, I just love cedar trees -- the shape of their branches and foliage especially. This is lovely.

    1. I like cedar trees, too. Their branches make a pretty wreath.

  8. PS -- tried to follow your blog and get a "failed to follow" pop-up. I'll keep trying but wanted you to know I'm giving it my best shot!

    1. Jeanie, thank you for letting me know. Please keep trying. I'm hoping it's just a glitch that will get fixed on their end. I can't figure any thing for me to do.

  9. I think you need to check your spam folder, Leslie. Comments are disappearing.



 Big storms were predicted night before last, and some people did get them. Luckily, we just had some rain. But yesterday, after the rain ha...