Monday, January 27, 2025


 Super fun having my daughter home for a week. We treated ourselves to dinner out. Good conversation and good food can't be beat! While looking out the window at the restaurant I noticed this beautiful holly that was full of berries. Didn't see any birds eating the berries which surprised me. I know they love them.

There was also a plant that was casting wonderful shadows

.These aren't the best photos. Kind of hard to be inconspicuous taking photos in a restaurant! I hope you are having a great day. It's been a misty day around here, just enough for slow windshield wipers. 

Thanks for stopping by. I love comments so leave me one! It will be appreciated.


  1. The holly is indeed beautiful. I grew up with one in my parents yard decades ago so I wanted one here when we moved 11 years ago. Had to buy on line and of course I nursed it along and it thrived. But once again, deer!!!!!!!!! They kept eating the new leaves. I finally gave up and sawed it down. Nutty. We have sun today and 30! First that warm in nearly a month or more. Enjoy the days with your daughter. Sounds like she is great one to have home for a while.

    1. Oh no! Darn deer. They can really be a pest. One year they came through and ate every one of my daylily buds. I cried and cried! We have warmed up too. We've got rain and 50 degrees. Have a great day and take care.

  2. I'm so glad your daughter came. It sounds like a wonderful visit. I love the shadow shot! Thanks for popping over to visit me, too!

    1. This visit has been so wonderful. The days are long and slow, giving us a nice time together. I appreciate your visit and comment. Have a great week.

  3. The shadows are enhanced by the texture of the wall. thank you for visiting my blog.

    1. I didn't notice the texture of the wall. Thanks for pointing that out. Have a great week. Take care.

  4. Glad you had such a lovely time with your daughter! Those holly berries do look tempting, even if the birds are being picky. And the plant shadows shot is indeed wonderful!

    1. Seems like this was a banner year for red berries on the hollies. I saw so many birds flitting around a shrub at church Sunday. Hope you're having a great week. Take care.



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