Friday, January 3, 2025


 Good Morning! How are you? Still got those blues? I might have a cure. It's a fun project and not costly. Yesterday my daughter and I took our Christmas Tree and decorated it for the birds. I think it looks so cute.  I would of had more strung popcorn but a certain someone ate half of it. Grrrr. Just look at that guilty face. That adorable, sweet, kind, mischievous, guilty face.  (Please excuse the mess, we're still cleaning up.) 

We strung popcorn and dried cranberries, cut stars out of bread and toasted them until they were crisp, and sliced a couple of oranges. We spread peanut butter on the stars and sprinkled with bird seed, I strung some very fine wire through the stars for hanging. Easy peasy! And cute to boot.

 It was so much fun hanging all these on the tree outside in the yard. Right outside the living room window so we can watch. I hope the birds will come.

I guess the popcorn strand looks a little lame. Perhaps I'll string some more, I have lots left. I hope you'll try this fun activity. It really does help get rid of the Christmas blues!

I'm so glad you stopped by. Have a lovely day.


  1. I love your bird feeding tree1 That is wonderful. I did the oranges just to put around with pinecones but what you did is GREAT!

    1. Thank you! It was a lot of fun. There is a Mockingbird eating the popcorn!

  2. Your dog is so cute! I like the idea to re-use your Christmas tree for the birds. The tree also gives the birds a safe place to rest. Have a wonderful weekend.

  3. This is a fabulous project. I'm in northern Ohio and starting the past couple days it is difficult to keep up with the frozen bird bath. I use plastic flower pot saucers. And now the snow finally is here so I keep spreading seed on ground we uncovered. Happy New Year. Nice meeting you. Lynn and Precious



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