Wednesday, January 15, 2025


 Hello friends! January is skating away quickly. Where does the time go? I'm still struggling to get all the Christmas stuff put up. I should be up and about, getting the house back in order. Instead, I'm sitting in my comfy chair watching all the birds flitting about. I just saw a House Finch. This is the first one I've seen in a long time. It caught me by surprise. Bird watching is so much fun.

Most of our snow has melted, except on the back deck. It receives no sun during the winter. It's very slippery. Scares me to have to walk across it to feed the birds. But I gotta do what I gotta do for my feathered friends. It's not pretty any more. 

The moon was gorgeous this morning. While waiting on the bus I noticed it was full with a little haze over it. Very moody. Makes me think of all those old horror movies that scared me to death. 

I hope you're having a lovely day. Thanks for stopping by!


  1. We were lucky here and saw the full moon couple nights and mornings. Between the many snowflakes. I'm lucky and we have house finch here also. Not very many but enough to see those lovely pink and purple heads. Mostly it's 100 goldfinch.

    1. No snowflakes for me this week, but they are talking about us getting some next week! We are beyond excited to have two snow events!

  2. Similarly pictures here in our garden. We have frost and ice. And than foehn.

    Greetings by Heidrun

  3. Thanks for stopping by and commenting. Have a great week.



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