Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Beautiful Fall

A gift of fall...these beautiful fungus. They look like shells. I picked a few of them to dry for my nature shelf.  I hope they will dry well. I have dried others, but I don't remember ever finding any with this much color in them. 
Today was damp and drizzly. It would sprinkle, then stop and then suddenly a pretty good rain would fall. It was wonderful! Tonight and tomorrow will have more of the same.  Can you see me smiling?
I hope you're having a great Tuesday. Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Fabulous captures, Leslie - don't you just marvel at God's handiwork, and the fact that He created these things for our pleasure?! Thanks for sharing.

  2. Great pics. I have seen fungus growths like that, but did not know they could be dried for Fall arrangements. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Awesome pictures I thought the first one was shells until I moved on. I hope they look as good when they are dry.

  4. Gorgeous fungus. I never thought of drying them. Have a wonderful day.

  5. Wow! They are quite lovely! Let us know how they dry.

  6. They are called Turkey-Tail Polypore fungi...great pictures!!
    I love to take pictures of fungi and lichens and publish them here:
    Guildwood Village Mushrooms and Lichens blog



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