Monday, September 30, 2013

The Peace of Home

Monday...bleh! Today seemed so long. After a long, hard day my daughter made me a lovely and delicious cup of mocha peppermint coffee. She served it in my favorite cup. It was so soothing. What a wonderful daughter I have. Now it's on to Tuesday. Tuesdays are fine, it's only Monday I have a problem with. I only have a problem with Tuesday when it's become "Monday" . Life is complicated. 

I hope you're having a good Monday. Thanks so much for stopping by!

Friday, September 27, 2013


Rah!  It's Friday. Whew, wasn't sure I was going to make it:)  Today at work we had a weird "Code Yellow - Sort Of"  thing going on. We went on lock down because of a perceived threat in the County (not the school). But it wasn't a total lock down. In a real one, no one is allowed in or out of the school. Today they had me stand at the door and greet people and ask why they were there and check their ID's. Nothing like sticking an employee right out there.  I was a little incensed that they have so little regard for me. Oh well, it's a strange new world we live in.

Today is beautiful, the sky cloud free. A brisk breeze has been blowing all day and we have lovely fallish temperatures. What a great way to start the weekend!  I hope you've had a great Friday.  Thanks so much for stopping by!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Beautiful Fall

A gift of fall...these beautiful fungus. They look like shells. I picked a few of them to dry for my nature shelf.  I hope they will dry well. I have dried others, but I don't remember ever finding any with this much color in them. 
Today was damp and drizzly. It would sprinkle, then stop and then suddenly a pretty good rain would fall. It was wonderful! Tonight and tomorrow will have more of the same.  Can you see me smiling?
I hope you're having a great Tuesday. Thanks for stopping by!

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Let's Go For a Ride

After a hard day at work, it's nice to go to my Dad's and take a golf cart ride. Recently on one of our adventures, we stopped at a tiny family burial plot. The oldest marker that can be read is dated in the 1790's. The townsfolk lovingly tend to this little plot. I don't know if the family Stinchcomb are still in the area, but if not, I hope, whereever they are,  they know how the people care for their ancestors. Not far from this little plot there are walnut and pecan trees. Perhaps they were once part of their land ownings. If you can beat the squirrels to them, you can pick up enough for a snack, possibly a pie!

I hope you have some place to go to relax and find an adventure! Thanks so much for stopping by!

Friday, September 20, 2013

Friday Love

I am looking forward to a beautiful weekend.  Rain is in the forecast. I love rain, it makes me so happy. Gray skies, wind, droplets pelting the roof. I have a pretty mantle, all fall-ish with little white lights that will be a welcome warmth from the rain outside. I hung a pine cone wreath that my dad gave me the other day. I remember when my mother made it and I  looked forward to her bringing it down from the attic with the other holiday decorations. She always hung it at Thanksgiving/Christmas. I am just over the moon about having it now. I love having things she made around my home. 

That extraordinary moth was found by my son. Isn't it magnificent? He was at least 6 inches wide. He was not living when he found him. I think he was hit with a pesticide. 

Come rain! I have lots of stitching to do, and what better way to spend a rainy weekend!

I hope you're having a great Friday. Thanks for stopping by!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Autumn Approaching


Tree trunk-y

Beautiful days! The air is starting to have a bit of coolness to it. The light is lovely. The garden is going to sleep. Today is my dd's birthday. 26 years old. I love her so much I can hardly stand it!  So hard to believe how quick the time has gone by. Yesterday I took my sweet 87 year old dad on a picnic.  He was so excited.  We drove the golf cart to a nearby lake and ate hot dogs and chips.The wind was whipping around us, taking our napkins and putting them in flight.  The geese were honking nearby.  There were children there flying kites. Or trying to fly kites. 

When I was out walking the other day there was a leaf seemingly suspended in mid air. I tried to take a picture, which was a little hard to do - to get the depth.  It was so cool looking. I also visited my favorite tree trunk. It has a tree growing in it.  I took a picture about this same time last year. The little tree has doubled in height. 
I think it's fun to find the simple pleasures in life, like a mossy carpet, a magical leaf or a tree trunk growing a tree.  Life is good.
Do you have some simple pleasures? 
I hope you're having a great Wednesday. Thanks so much for stopping by. 

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Sunny Saturday

One of the first things I notice as we drift towards Autumn is the change in light. Today I noticed these wonderful shadows on the little shed behind the garden.  I have had on my to-do list the painting of this shed. but it hasn't happened yet. Looks like I need to do a little clean up on the shed where the rain has caused quite a dirty mess!  Funny what you notice in photos but not when you're standing right in front of it!

It's been a lovely weekend, full of stitching and the beginning of some fall decorating. I'm trying to stay with the Christmas at Hawk Run Hollow cross stitch piece.  I have really enjoyed it, but I don't think I want to attempt another piece that takes a whole year to do.  I keep wanting to work on my crazy quilt, or make another quilt piece,  but know I've got to stay with the big project. I'm so afraid if I stop I won't pick it back up.  I'm terrible about stuff like that.

I hope you've had a lovely Saturday. Thanks so much for stopping by!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

September Garden

Happy September! The garden has really started it's decline, but surprisingly I have a few pretty things.
I love this urn. The Dichondra has been so pretty. I removed the pink polka dot plant and replaced it with just a simple begonia.  Not my favorite, but it looks better than the other did.
 I lost my coreopsis this year and replaced it late in the season.  It is still throwing out blooms.
 This is an azalea I planted this year and it blooms two times. It has some blooms on it now.
 I do not know what this is. It looks like a very tall ageratum. I grew it from seed many years ago. 

 I love, love, love this sedum. Sometimes it has a bluish cast and sometimes it seems to have a burgandy hue. 
The hostas still look good this year!  This big green one has almost no leaf damage from slugs. 
I also have some Black Eyed Susans with some blooms.  

Now here's my thought...I should move these plants together for a very pretty late summer/early autumn show!  I think the sedum with the tall lavender plant would look so pretty together. Add the yellow coreopsis and black eyed susan with the azalea close by - wouldn't that be a pretty picture?

I hope you're having a great Wednesday (Mike, mike, mike, mike,mike, mike...what day is it??? IT'S HUMP DAY.)

Thanks for stopping by!

Sunday, September 1, 2013


It's going to be a while before I get to see any of this...
 And do fun things like this...
 And this...
 And admire pretty colors like this
But I'm so excited it's on it's way.  Last year we had a gorgeous fall. I hope this year will be as pretty. I wonder if the wet and cooler than normal summer will make a difference. I hope not, unless it's for the better!  And best of all, I have a brand new, handmade fall table runner that I can't wait to use. 
Welcome September!
Thanks so much for stopping by!


 Happy Spring! It's finally actually here. No more saying, "Spring-like"! We've been in the high 70's lately, but toda...