Happy September! The garden has really started it's decline, but surprisingly I have a few pretty things.

I love this urn. The Dichondra has been so pretty. I removed the pink polka dot plant and replaced it with just a simple begonia. Not my favorite, but it looks better than the other did.
I lost my coreopsis this year and replaced it late in the season. It is still throwing out blooms.
This is an azalea I planted this year and it blooms two times. It has some blooms on it now.
I do not know what this is. It looks like a very tall ageratum. I grew it from seed many years ago.
I love, love, love this sedum. Sometimes it has a bluish cast and sometimes it seems to have a burgandy hue.
The hostas still look good this year! This big green one has almost no leaf damage from slugs.
I also have some Black Eyed Susans with some blooms.
Now here's my thought...I should move these plants together for a very pretty late summer/early autumn show! I think the sedum with the tall lavender plant would look so pretty together. Add the yellow coreopsis and black eyed susan with the azalea close by - wouldn't that be a pretty picture?
I hope you're having a great Wednesday (Mike, mike, mike, mike,mike, mike...what day is it??? IT'S HUMP DAY.)
Thanks for stopping by!