Friday, July 19, 2013

Hello Friday

You can see these pictures bigger if you click on them...

 Respectful begging...

Such a strange summer - we have had so much rain. The garden has not done well.  Or maybe my attention has been elsewhere.  I have not had a good summer, health wise.  I think I'm better, but I have an appointment Tuesday, so we'll see.  Nothing serious, just irritating. I have one week left before I return to work, summer is done according to my calendar.  I hope you are having a nice summer. I'm already wishing for fall! 


  1. Oh are they stargazer lilies? I love beautiful! Your garden looks should see my back yard...yes I have backyard envy! Hope you are feeling better soon my friend!
    XO Barbara

  2. Your yard is beautiful. So sorry your under the weather, but hopefully you'll feel terrific. Yes, I am also ready for fall/ We do not have humid weather in So CA. Ha - that's not true this year. Really wears me out. I will be so glad to welcome fall.
    Just to darn hot.
    Why do you have to go back to school so early?
    Feel better and have a great weekend. Really cute doggie.

  3. Your garden is lovely! Hope you feel better soon.

  4. I'm sorry to read that the weather hasn't cooperated for your summer time-off. I hope you begin to feel better soon!

  5. Love those lilies! so beautiful and they scent the garden so nicely. Things look to be blooming there regardless of the excessive rain. We've had a LOT of rain here too and when it isn't raining it's 95+ degrees outside. Sorry to hear you haven't been well. Hope you are back to 100% soon.

  6. Leslie girl, you sound as discouraged as I felt lately.
    It has been a strange year and deciding about things I have to put to an end in the garden has been hard but like you said "it is what it is" . I have to make things easier on myself and even poor husband .. he tries to help as much as possible but his health is not great either.
    So "fixing" things to become easier is what has to be done ... I am not giving up , I am just changing gears ? LOL
    I hope you feel better soon .. I hope I will too, maybe by the end of this month when I have some answers my mind will be less stressed .. it is always something, isn't it?LOL
    Take care !
    Joy : )
    Beautiful work on that last post !!



 I was on FB today when I ran across a picture of a male Bowerbird. Have you heard of them? I had read an article some time ago. Today I loo...