Monday, July 29, 2013

A bit...

Back to work. I'm happy to be there. I do not do well with unstructured time!  Everything was great while I was sewing my little table runner. I can't wait to show you the finished product, but I think I will wait until fall. I think you will like it so much better as the leaves change and the air cools! Once I finished that project I found myself wiling the hours away in other needlework ways.  I have been working on my Christmas at Hawk Run Hollow and I'm trying to finish this cream colored crazy quilt square. I layered on some buttons, but haven't attached them yet.  I think it looks nice though.  Other than that, summer has been a bit of a yawn-fest around here!  The rain had made working in the garden almost impossible. Now the rain has moved on, but I'm spending my days in an office.  I'm already looking forward to planting tulips for next spring. I think I like the planning as much as the arrival!

I hope you're having a great Monday.  Thanks for stopping by!

Friday, July 19, 2013

Hello Friday

You can see these pictures bigger if you click on them...

 Respectful begging...

Such a strange summer - we have had so much rain. The garden has not done well.  Or maybe my attention has been elsewhere.  I have not had a good summer, health wise.  I think I'm better, but I have an appointment Tuesday, so we'll see.  Nothing serious, just irritating. I have one week left before I return to work, summer is done according to my calendar.  I hope you are having a nice summer. I'm already wishing for fall! 

Tuesday, July 2, 2013


Most adorable visitors to the garden this morning...

Siblings.  Two precious little deer.  What a wonderful little gift.  Of course, I was really hoping they weren't going to come any closer and start snacking on the garden. Just scoping the place out I think - they will probably be back tonight:)

Have a great Tuesday, thanks for stopping by!


 Happy Spring! It's finally actually here. No more saying, "Spring-like"! We've been in the high 70's lately, but toda...