Sunday, January 29, 2012


Happy Sunday! What a beautiful day we are having.  Once again, I got to come home from church and relax because I made our dinner  yesterday.  That is such a great feeling, knowing the afternoon will be just for kicking back!

Last night we had some cooler weather move in.  It's about time! Seems we were already in to Spring around here!  But last night I pulled out my stitching and enjoyed being warm and cozy, stitching and watching a little TV.

I decided to work on one of my crazy quilt squares, but had other works nearby in case I decided I wanted to move in a different direction.  Stitching wise I can either embroider, bead, or work on my sampler.   Here is a sampler I am doing in beige and cream and brown.

My samplers are worked on an even weave fabric.  The above is linen.  I love the samplers because they are so easy to take on the road.  A few fibers, some needles and you're good to go.  The last couple of years I've found them so relaxing while waiting at the hospital during surgery for my husband, who had knee replacement surgery, or my dad, who has occasional hospital stays  Stitch, stitch, stitch, as the time goes tick, tick, tick.  

I hope you are having a lovely Sunday.  I am joining Seasonal Sundays at The Tablescaper. Thanks for stopping by!

Friday, January 27, 2012


Happy Friday!!  Wow, can you believe that a month has  passed since Christmas?  I'm still  basking in the memories of pretty lights, pretty tables, and delicious food.  But the weather certainly hasn't seemed very holiday-ish.  Winter has hidden herself this year.  Barely a cold wind blowing.  We've had quite a bit of rain though. Yesterday I was at my Dad's as clouds were building.  I love clouds.

We were sure we were in for a rough one, but the system fell apart as it hit the Georgia line, which is often the case.  Nice to get the beautiful clouds and none of the destruction!

The system moved through and this morning the clouds pushed out and in their place was a gorgeous blue sky.

And look what's blooming in the garden! My goodness, it's January!! But aren't they beautiful?

I hope you've had a great Friday! Thanks for stopping by.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Happy Wednesday! This week seems to be moving rather quickly.  It started with a roar as large storms rolled through.  I think we are in for some more tomorrow night.  Luckily we love the rain around here. 

Today I am sharing another WIP square from my crazy quilt.  This one is the first one I made. 

I really don't like the silk ribbon flowers I did on the top right corner.  They look very shabby. Actually, now that I look at it, I think it's simply unfinished.  Funny how you can see all kinds of things that need to be done once you post a picture:)!  I love the blue stitching and beads with the brown beads and buttons on the lower left corner. 

I hope you are having a great Wednesday.  Thanks for stopping by!

Monday, January 23, 2012


Happy Monday!  I hope you enjoyed your weekend.  We had a wet and wild Saturday - thunderstorms even! We love the rain and don't mind a wet weekend now and then.  The birds were really putting on a show, we enjoyed the antics of a cute little chickadee bathing in the birdbath.  They are just so darn cute!

Today I will share a winter pot with you.  It has flowering kale in it.  This pink one is fantastic!

The purple isn't too bad either, though I think my picture is a bit over exposed.

The cascading plant is Dichondra.  It's an annual, but I thought it might just survive the mild winter.  We've had a few really cold days, but mostly it's been mild.  It looks terrible.  Maybe I'll just give it up and take it out.  By the end of the summer it was gorgeous!  Here it is in August. This pot was so pretty.

I hope you and your family are having a wonderful Monday.  Thanks for stopping by!

Sunday, January 22, 2012


Happy Sunday to you! We have been quite lazy today.  After church we all came home for lunch, which had been cooked yesterday . Don't you just love having a meal prepared in advance?  It makes me so happy.  There are 5 of us eating, one a vegetarian, so we fix two chili's.  

This is the best chili, but it's not very spicy.  It's a recipe that came from a very old Better Homes and Garden children's cookbook that my mother had.  It's so simple.  I have found that one of the tricks to it is using Kroger chili powder.  Only Kroger chili powder. Crazy.  

 2 pounds ground chuck
 1 onion, 
 2 cans whole tomatoes 
2 cans kidney beans (preferably Van Camps New Orleans Style kidney beans)
  3T Kroger chili powder
1C water

. My family is very funny about tomatoes and onions so I put them in the food processor and process them until almost a liquid.  The onions then get browned in some oil before the meat is added. Brown the meat, drain the grease, add the tomatoes, beans, water and chili powder. Bring to boil. Reduce heat to very low. Cook for 3 hours, stirring frequently.  Better if eaten the next day:)

My daughter and I teach a 4th grade group of girls at church.  We have been their teachers since 2nd grade.  Our church encourages the youth leaders to stay with their group.  My husband has 8th graders that he's had since they were in 2nd grade. You build such a close relationship when you are with the children for so long.  I'm looking forward to seeing them mature throughout the years.   

Here we are, our roster has about 15 girls, but we usually don't have more than 8 on any given Sunday.  

"Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path."
Psalm 119:105

Seasonal Sundays #84–Giveaway!

Friday, January 20, 2012


I love my deck in winter almost as much as I love it in summer. 
 I'll bring my coffee out here some mornings and listen to the sounds.   

 I would like to have a little table to do pottings and rootings on.  
Now I just seem to always use the steps - kinda hard on the back. Our deck is old and is really starting to show it's age.  Some of the boards are looking very worn.  I'd like to say it adds character, but really I think it just looks like it needs to be replaced.  Not gonna happen any time in the near future, that's for sure!

  Are you starting to think of spring?  When I see the daffs emerging I get really excited.  Of course, it's still a long ways off, but it gets me going.  I have a few packs of seeds that need to be spread around.  Seeds that like to freeze then thaw a couple of times.  Larkspur and poppy in particular.

I hope you're having a nice evening, I'm enjoying the drizzly rain and some alone time, which I almost never get.   I had such big plans for my first evening alone, but all I've done is sit here and enjoy the solitude.  I guess that's okay, too.

Monday, January 16, 2012


Our little bird tree is looking pretty bad now, soon we'll be moving it to the woods - should have already been done. The birds continue to visit so now we put the birdseed on a little table on the deck , right where we can view them from the warmth of the living room.

There have been so many different ones recently.  Many that we only get this time of year.  Not all of them will come to the table.  I love them all, but my favorite has to be the wren.  I just love their little tail, the way it sticks up. Really love the chickadees, too!

 I love this piece of wood I found in the woods. I think it's lovely.  The green and brown of winter... sycamore balls look pretty in a glass, but I hate them in the yard!

No snow here in Georgia, but our winter has it's own loveliness.  

Hope you're enjoying your Monday.  Thanks for stopping by!

I am participating in Metamorphosis Monday at Between Naps on the Porch.

Friday, January 13, 2012


I have inherited the maintenance and care of this 75g saltwater aquarium at my elementary school.

Unfortunately, I don't know much about it, but there's a lot of  information out there (I love the 
internet!). I am slowly (very slowly :)) learning the ins and outs, but I have a L-O-N-G way to go.  Lets see...I've caused a major outbreak of Cyano bacteria (got it cleared up, Yeah!), I threw away what I thought was the new fish who had it's head bitten off by a crab (or so I thought), only to have to quickly go and fish it out of the bathroom trash (y-u-c-k!), when I realized it was one of the Feather Dusters who had dropped it's feathers!, I have somehow adjusted the Protein Skimmer to the point that it's not skimming AT ALL.  This is probably the most dangerous of all my mistakes and I haven't gotten it fixed yet.  YIKES! I really wish I had the paperwork that came with the equipment because I don't know how to fix it. Oh yeah, we  have been adding saltwater when topping off instead of plain (RO/DI) water which made the salinity go off the chart - literally!  It will take several days to get it right Well, I'll get it all fixed somehow, I certainly won't give up and in the mean time I am having a blast doing water tests 
for amonia and nitrites and nitrates and water salinity. It really is fun!  Some day I'll be bringing you 
pictures of a beautiful tank and I can't wait!

Monday, January 9, 2012


Just a little dreaming going on around here.  I saw my hyacinths and daffodils emerging and I got giddy! Spring will come.  Here's just a little something to tide us over.

This is actually from a few years ago.  I've had a problem with the grass disappearing, but I hope to get it back this year.  This mosaic will be my inspiration.
I'm participating in Mosaic Monday at Little Red House.  Stop by and see some fun mosaics.

Saturday, January 7, 2012


Happy Saturday!  How was your week?  Are you having success on your resolutions?  I didn't resolve to lose weight, but it is the top thing on my "What I would really like to accomplish this year even though I won't make it a resolution (and thus setting myself up for immediate failure)." So.....I've had some success.  Yeah me! We also are celebrating a good report from my ultrasound (thyroid). Double Yeah!

We had some really cold weather (see last post), but now it is warming up nicely...nice enough to go for a stroll after dinner last night.  Daughter, dog (Juri) , kitty (Doozie), Don and I strolled down the street.  Juri and Doozie always accompany us.  This picture is very bright, it was actually much darker out.  I just don't know how to set up a camera (it's also blurry, sorry).

This is more like it. Wasn't it a beautiful evening sky?

The moon is almost full.  I love seeing it peeking out behind branches.

I hope you are enjoying your Saturday.  I'm still enjoying the birds visiting my bird friendly Christmas tree.  Rain is in the forecast so I might have to take it down.  You can see the post about it here.  Thanks for stopping by!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


One last holiday event, something we planned long before the hustle and bustle of December even started.  A wonderful way to complete the Christmas Season...

Yesterday my sweet daughter treated me to a delightful outing for some hot chocolate, complete with sprinkles, (we brought our own  sprinkles  to add a little hot chocolate cheer!)

. We went to a local coffee house "on the square" in downtown Newnan  .   We also enjoyed a warm cinnamon roll, covered in buttercream. Oh Yum!!

It's so delightful to spend this time with someone so special. 

We talked of things to come, future plans.  SIL will be graduating from college this spring and they are thinking of their future, thinking of where it might take them, which might be far from me . I'm trying not to panic :)

The coffee house was warm and welcoming.  Outside we were having the coldest temperatures since last winter. It was a bracing 25 degrees, brrrrrr.  We could see the gorgeous courthouse outside our window.

After we enjoyed our hot chocolate we ventured out into the cold and walked a bit .  Downtown Newnan is beautiful.  Full of quaint shops.

This is the original library.  I heard there was a plan to return it to it's original use. I wish they would take that awful sign off of the top of the building.  

We were so excited when the bells started ringing.  First the one in the courthouse rang out. 

Then the church bells rang. The sound was wonderful,  and the churches are beautiful.

The homes in the area are very old and gorgeous and there is Civil War history here

We admired the homes in the area, then we headed home feeling quite content!  I hope you've had a lovely Wednesday.  Thanks for stopping by!


 Happy Spring! It's finally actually here. No more saying, "Spring-like"! We've been in the high 70's lately, but toda...