Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Garden Pretties

What do you have going on today? It's hot and humid here in Georgia, but we have been getting some lovely evening cloud coverage with a bit of thunder and rain.  

This year my garden is definitely on the disappointing side. Have you had luck with your garden? One of my pots is looking nice, so that's something to be happy about!

I love this Caladium.  It would have more white instead of green if it got more sun, but I still like it

A little Creeping Jenny to drape over the side.  

For height I always use Purple Fountain Grass.  The last two years it has been very hard to find.  This one was located only a few weeks ago.  Normally by now it would be 3 feet tall with pink plumes shooting up.  It's one of my favorite plants to use in this urn, I sure hope it's going to continue to be produced  by the garden centers.  

I found a fun event that will be going on at Happier Than A Pig in Mud on July 15.  Hop over there and take a look.  It's a cook-a-long using Bobby Flay's recipes.  I think it sounds like great fun, but I'm having trouble picking a recipe.  I've really got to start cooking outside my comfort zone!

Hope you're having a Happy Tuesday!

1 comment:

  1. Your planter looks great, I love the grasses, they add so much movement! Thanks for adding the Cook-Along to your side bar, look forward to seeing you there:@)



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