Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Garden Pretties

What do you have going on today? It's hot and humid here in Georgia, but we have been getting some lovely evening cloud coverage with a bit of thunder and rain.  

This year my garden is definitely on the disappointing side. Have you had luck with your garden? One of my pots is looking nice, so that's something to be happy about!

I love this Caladium.  It would have more white instead of green if it got more sun, but I still like it

A little Creeping Jenny to drape over the side.  

For height I always use Purple Fountain Grass.  The last two years it has been very hard to find.  This one was located only a few weeks ago.  Normally by now it would be 3 feet tall with pink plumes shooting up.  It's one of my favorite plants to use in this urn, I sure hope it's going to continue to be produced  by the garden centers.  

I found a fun event that will be going on at Happier Than A Pig in Mud on July 15.  Hop over there and take a look.  It's a cook-a-long using Bobby Flay's recipes.  I think it sounds like great fun, but I'm having trouble picking a recipe.  I've really got to start cooking outside my comfort zone!

Hope you're having a Happy Tuesday!

Monday, June 27, 2011

On The Menu Monday

I'm am joining the On The Menu Monday group over at Stone Gable.  If you've never visited this blog, treat yourself today and jump right over there.  

I'm going to give this "menu planning" a try.  I used to be an avid menu planner when my children were young, but not so much now. Every week I would like to try a new recipe.  I've never experimented much in the kitchen but have been seeing some wonderful looking recipes around.  My first try will be Saturday with a salad from Stone Gable's site. 

Monday - TACOS    
I'm not much for cooking from scratch, so I use the El Paso taco boxed dinner.  I have found that adding an extra packet of seasoning when cooking 2 pounds of ground chuck makes the tacos much more delicious.

 Fresh Tomatoes, but unfortunately, no homegrown yet.

 I also like to use a really good, strong cheddar.  This is one of the best, and I use it in most of my recipes that call for cheese.

Please excuse the blurry picture, not much of a photographer either :) .  I like to eat my tacos on Tostado shells, they seem lighter and a lot crispier to me.  

TUESDAY:  Hot Dogs, Baked Beans, Chips

WEDNESDAY:  Limeade Chicken (from Southern Living many years ago) - A favorite around here, Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans .

6 skinless, boneless chicken breasts
    half of a large can of limeade
    1/2 Cup of Worchestershire
     1/2Tsp. of Garlic Salt
Combine limeade concentrate, Worchestershire and garlic salt in a bowl  (reserve about 1/2 cup).

Marinade chicken for at least a couple of hours.  

Grill.  My DH is the griller so I'm not sure how long to grill. 
Use the reserved limeade liquid as a dipping sauce.

THURSDAY:  Dinner with Dad.  Sometimes I cook, sometimes we go out - his choice.  Not sure which we'll be doing this week. 

FRIDAY: Out to dinner

SATURDAY:Lemon Pepper Grilled Salmon, Stone Gable's Arugula Salad,  Pinto Beans

SUNDAY:  Hamburgers on the grill, baked beans, chips


Friday, June 24, 2011

Flashback Friday

I love looking at old pictures and many years ago I had a blog that featured a Flashback Friday. It was such fun that I think I'll do it again on my new blog.

Here is one of my favorites for stirring memories:
Do you remember when grocery stores looked like this? I was always FASCINATED with the cash registers...all those buttons, be- still- my- heart! All I ever wanted as a child was to grow up to be a checkout girl. I had an early job in the 70's where I got to use one every now and then. It was heaven!! I just love everything about this picture; the check out girl wearing pearls, the pouffy hair, the newspaper sales page display, the cigarettes right there instead of being behind lock and key, and the weight scale, and who can forget BROWN BAGS!!. I'm not sure what the little brown thing is next to the scales. I think it might be the Green Stamps dispenser - what do you think?

Hope you've enjoyed this little trip down memory lane, have a great day!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

So Glad You Stopped By!

Wow, almost two weeks gone in my summer vacation! My, how time flies!

I fixed a breakfast tray back a few months ago. I'm using it for my FIRST Tablescape Thursday. The daffodils were in bloom, along with the muscari. It just speaks "Spring".

This tray is lined with a beautiful white napkin with a crochet edge that was my grandmother's. When my dear Mother passed away, I found the adorable little chick and egg salt and pepper shakers in her china cabinet. They are very dear to me, I think of her with every little shake:).

The bottom plate is just my everyday white dinnerware, the pretty little yellow plate was bought while antiquing many years ago. I only have the one, so a little breakfast tray is the perfect time to use it!

For breakfast: Yummy fried potatoes, boiled egg, orange juice. A great way to start the day!

Between Naps On The Porch

I am participating in Tablescape Thursday at Between Naps on the Porch. Be sure to stop by to view the wonderful tablescapes!


 Happy Spring! It's finally actually here. No more saying, "Spring-like"! We've been in the high 70's lately, but toda...