Monday, November 24, 2014


What a strange month November has been! Record breaking cold, then a week later, record breaking warmth! Crazy!  We had a lovely rainy day on Sunday, with a steady drizzle and even some thunder now and then. Seems like forever since we've had a good rain, months and months! We just missed a snow event, the cold was only a few hours away from the rain.

Thanksgiving is fast approaching, and I am ready and willing. Grocery shopping today so I'm all prepared. Can't wait to have those aromas spreading through the house. I love the smell of the onions and celery sauteing and pies cooking and turkey smoking! I figured out long ago to enjoy the preparations, because the actual eating is over in less than an hour! We are not a family that lingers over the table, so I try to make the leading-up-to a fun and enjoyable time. Of course we start the day off with the Macy's Parade! I love the marching bands and balloons. So fun!

Hope your week is going to be a good one! Thanks so much for stopping by!

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Sweet Autumn

Isn't it just the most delightful time of year?! I so love the changing leaves and temperatures. I love the low light and the misty mornings and the garden quietly going to sleep. I'm inspired! I want to craft something or cook something or sew something. I've actually done none of these things, brah! I really don't know how people work and get stuff done. I tend to expend all my energies from 7:00 to 3:00 and then come home and vegitate until 9:00.  I miss my needlework (the year long Christmas at Hawk Run Hollow) which requires very little energy but gives lots of satisfaction. I have plans to make a linen table runner and really need to get-with-it because I want it for Thanksgiving. I have the fabric, now I just need the Can Do attitude. I did play a tennis match yesterday and win! Great big Whoop on that!  Wonderful, beautiful November! Your days are lovingly enjoyed and you know it's just a hop, skip and a jump to December - the really sweetest month!

I hope you're having a great Sunday, thanks so much for stopping by!


 Happy Spring! It's finally actually here. No more saying, "Spring-like"! We've been in the high 70's lately, but toda...