Friday, October 24, 2014

Autumn Time

I'm welcoming autumn with open arms, the cooler temps this week have been such a delight.  I see next week's calendar shows some 80's...sigh.  We have not had a pretty fall, not yet. I always think our color comes in October, but in truth it is November that our golds and reds begin to paint our hardwoods.

A little changing up around here. I've tried to get something on the mantel that I like, but haven't found it yet. Perhaps this weekend will dawn with some inspiration. I brought out mom's pine cone wreath. It must be about 35-40 years old. It's little cone leaves are fragile and I try to be gentle with it when I remove it from storage and hang it. It's just so special to me.

September and October are busy months, with birthdays and a fun day trip. For the last few years I've gotten a day or two off in October and we use it to visit the mountains, all of us together, laughing and enjoying some much needed family time. We hit the gold rush town of Dahlonega, quaint and pretty in the North Georgia mountains. It's a whirlwind of a trip, but the memories last us until the next year!

Nature wise, it's been pretty quiet around here lately. None of the pretty fungus or mushrooms. We haven't had our rain yet, so I'm thinking we'll get them soon enough. The geese haven't been doing their autumn flights. So strange to not see them taking up their V and testing their fortitude.  I guess the geese know we are having a mild fall, with cold temperatures not really expected until January.
I hope you are having a lovely autumn and Friday! Thanks so much for stopping by!

1 comment:

  1. You've found some beauty. The mushroom on the forest floor is really striking. And how sweet to put up your mom's pinecone wreath. A piece to treasure.



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