Tuesday, December 31, 2013

A Look Back

I thought I would show some of the good things about my garden this year. Parts of it were beautiful and I will build on those parts this year.  I'm just going to take it a month at a time. It's going to be photo heavy, so I hope you'll stick with me to the end.

March came in with the Tulips blooming.

April was pretty with Clematis and Columbine and a big Snowball Viburnum and some Iris


June had Daisies and Balloon Flower and some Lillies. It would of had a lot of Daylilies, but I didn't spray and the deer dined on them, so sad...


August was pretty boring, except for the Dichondra in this urn. I thought it was so pretty! It had a Pink Polka Dot plant but because of the shade it turned almost completely green so I changed it out for some Begonias. Not really happy with them either so next year I will need to find another mid size plant. Otherwise, this was one of my favorite things in the garden this year. 

This year I added two reblooming Azaleas, a purple Loropetalum, two yellow lillies, a Coreopsis to replace the one I lost,  and a pink Monardo.  I am working on getting more perennials and feel I did a good job last year - at least as far as I could money-wise. I'm excited to get to the plans I've made, moving this and that. 
The garden is always evolving. I have never been satisfied, but on the years that I thought I was getting a handle on it, something would happen and it just wouldn't be the same the next year. Things don't bloom at the same time, some things die, the deer trick me, heavy rains knock stuff down.  Sometimes I wonder why I do all this, but then I have a good year and get really psyched! If you're a gardener then you know what I mean! 

So, to all my gardening friends - here's to a great gardening year in 2014! 

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Good-Bye Christmas

A few last glimpses of Christmas. It was certainly a whirlwind this year! I almost feel out of breath. But now the quieter, calmer days of January are  before us.  I love January. It's gray, and cold, and starts out with the most fun thing...the Rose Bowl Parade.  

I gave my husband a Kindle Paperwhite for Christmas, but I also gave him two paper books so now I"m using the Kindle until he finishes his books. I uploaded a Nero Wolfe Mystery.  I love, love, love the Nero Wolfe series.  They are fun and funny and I love the era, New York in the late 30's early 40's. If you like mysteries and that era, I highly recommend them. Archie is too cool. 

I hope you're having a great Sunday, thanks so much for stopping by.

Sunday, December 15, 2013


Christmastime has come so fast this year! I'm slowly but surely getting things done. As I flit around blogland I see most of you are way ahead of me. I've never been one to get it all done in a week, so I guess I'm about right where I usually am.  

We have had some awesome weather since October. We've had snow, tons of rain, freezing temperatures, warm temperatures, wind, big wind, bigger wind. This has been the windiest year I have ever experienced. It's been the strangest weather year too. This summer we had so much rain and cloudy days that our swimming pools never warmed up. In Georgia. Latitude 33, Longitude -84.  Crazy!

I am very, very close to being done with my beautiful Christmas In Hawk Run Hollow cross stitch project. It has taken me a full year, and I have loved every minute of it, but I am so ready to be done! Every thing suffered because of this project. My garden was hardly touched this year, my house is scary, other projects have been sadly sitting in a drawer. It will probably take me another year to save up enough to have it framed, but hopefully by next Christmas it will be gracing one of my walls. I can't wait!

I hope your plans are coming along nicely. Thanks so much for stopping by!


 Happy Spring! It's finally actually here. No more saying, "Spring-like"! We've been in the high 70's lately, but toda...