Friday, August 9, 2013

A Movie

I don't know why the critics trashed this movie so much.  I loved it, and so did everyone I know that saw it.  It was funny, and beautiful, and exciting. If you can still see it at the theaters, I highly recommend it. Honestly, the cinematography is gorgeous, all filmed on location.  Really gorgeous. I liked Armie, he's cute and a decent actor, and Johnny Depp is so funny.  And WOW! When they played the Lone Ranger's theme song I teared up. It was that great! So do it!  Go!


  1. I grew up watching the old series and loved it! I was disappointed when I heard it got bad reviews so I'm glad you shared this! - anything with Johnny Depp will work for me :)

    1. Go see it! You won't be disappointed! And watch for a few Pirates of the Caribbean references. It was fun seeing how they worked them in. We like the movie enough to see it twice!

  2. I haven't heard of this movie - but then we rarely go. Reviews of movies are not always reliable. Sounds like a fun won.

  3. I did go and loved it. It wasn't like the old Kimosabe and Tonto, funnier this time. I don't listen to the critics anyway and go to the movies that appeal to me. xo Jenny

  4. I don't understand why people listen to critics and even more so ? why critics actually get PAID ? haha
    We don't go to the theaters (too loud and distractive for us to enjoy the movies) but we do watch them when they come out on DVD so I will keep this one in mind Leslie !
    Thank you !
    Joy : )

  5. I use to love watching the reruns of the Lone Ranger when I was a kid. (Back then I called him the "Long" Ranger). I would take your word over the critics any day...I ususally the movies they hay anyway. LOL. Will have to try to catch it and if not there is always Netflex!
    XO Barbara



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