Thursday, August 29, 2013


Hello! How are you?  I am so glad that Friday is upon us and am really looking forward to a three day weekend.  I have no special plans, how about you?

I haven't done a Flashback Friday in a while, so thought I would do a fun one since it's Back To School time.  The first picture is from the Sears Catalog, 1968.  We always got the Sears Catalog and I would drool over the cute clothes.  The skirt and sweater on the left would be very similar to what I wore in '68.  Knee socks, sweater, and  loafers. I was a big fan of the pleated skirt with colored knee socks and sweater.  
Regine Jaffrey and Colleen Corby - Sears Catalog Fall/Winter 1968
Now for something not so stylish...the dreaded gym clothes.  The kids are so lucky now days, to not have to wear gym clothes.  Of course, when I was in high school you couldn't wear pants, at least we in the South couldn't.  I swear that looks like my gym teacher, Mrs. Tankersly.  
And a little something autograph book.  I had one very similar.  Mine had colored pages, If I remember correctly.  You would fold the pages down as they were signed.  
Ponytail autograph book
And now for a little fun after a hard day hitting the favorite comic.  
Little Lulu
I hope you've enjoyed this little trip down memory lane.  Did it stir any memories in your mind? 
All of these images I found on Pinterest.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

The Fallness of August

We are 20+ degrees below normal here in Georgia and it's making me think of fall! All the leaves are green, but the air is totally Autumn! I pulled out my fall table runner that I made over the summer and took a few shots to share with you.  This was such a fun project and I am so proud of myself that I actually started and finished something!
 I love the autumn colors.
I machine stitched in the ditch on the rows, but hand quilted the star blocks and the orange squares. 

Now I'm ready for the hues of autumn and cool, crisp air. Oh wait! It's still August. I'm sure the hot weather will be returning soon, I'll have to be patient for fall's arrival!

Thanks so much for stopping by. What's your weather like lately?

Friday, August 9, 2013

A Movie

I don't know why the critics trashed this movie so much.  I loved it, and so did everyone I know that saw it.  It was funny, and beautiful, and exciting. If you can still see it at the theaters, I highly recommend it. Honestly, the cinematography is gorgeous, all filmed on location.  Really gorgeous. I liked Armie, he's cute and a decent actor, and Johnny Depp is so funny.  And WOW! When they played the Lone Ranger's theme song I teared up. It was that great! So do it!  Go!


 Happy Spring! It's finally actually here. No more saying, "Spring-like"! We've been in the high 70's lately, but toda...