Saturday, May 25, 2013

Lillies and Such

Finally! The last day of school has come and I am looking forward to working 2 weeks with no phones, visitors, children, etc.  I have nothing against the children, it's just nice to work a while without being interrupted.  The last days of a school are so stressful, the calm is almost surreal!  

The garden is just so-so this year.  Everything is different.  Each plant is pretty, but I swear I can never get everything to be where they will be their best.  I am going to concentrate this year on getting all the holes filled.  That might take more than a year, but I can give it a good start.  The lilies do very well in my shady garden, so I need lots of them.  Plus, this time of year they're one of the few things I have blooming.  I had a beautiful purple Clematis that bloomed so heavily, but the last few years it hasn't bloomed at all.  It bloomed well when I had it on a tall trellis. I just realized that I replaced that trellis with a very short one and am thinking I need to get it up high again, as the light is much better. 

I am making wonderful progress on the Christmas at Hawk Run Hollow project.  The stitching is relaxing and each square is so fun. June's square is pretty heavily stitched, so I was glad that May's was finished early allowing me to get a good head start on June.

I hope you're having success with your Spring plans! Thanks so much for stopping by!


  1. Your garden is quite a bit ahead of ours up here. Lovely to see the irises. Your stitching is very pretty!

  2. Oh I wish I could have a garden like yours!!! So beautiful! Love love love the irises. Thank you so much for sharing!!!
    Have a great weekend!
    XO Barbara

  3. Such a beautiful garden Leslie! Your quilt is looking wonderful too. I don't seem to have a craftily inclined bone in my body, so I have to admire other people's skill.

    Ali x

  4. Very pretty. You are way ahead of us here in New Hampshire. We won't see Lilies for another three weeks to a month. Be very glad you don't have the red lily beetle which is a terrible pest here.

  5. I think gardens are a constant work in progress. But so enjoyable to look at. Your irises are lovely, so different from the usual purple/lavender color.
    Your stitching is coming along so well. I have a project I want to begin but haven't yet got it all together.



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