Thursday, April 4, 2013


What's this??!!!  It's freakishly cold! I was so sure that Spring was here, warmth-wise, but I see it's still a ways off.  Today it has been cold and damp.  The kind of cold that gets in your bones.  I'm sitting with my rice sock on my chest.  It's so comforting!:)  My tulips are still very pretty, it's just too cold to go out and enjoy them! Thank goodness for my big window in front of my Lazy-boy!  While I'm more than ready to be done with the cold, I have used my time well.  I was able to make up the one month I was behind on my Christmas at Hawk Run Hollow. I have to tell you, this is the most fun cross stitch pattern I have ever done.  And each finished block is so satisfying! It's a little pricey...between the cost of the chart, the fabric and all the threads, but it is well worth it!

Here are three finished blocks and the fourth one with a little stitching done on it.

Block one.
  I'm sorry that I don't know how to take better pictures. It's really a beautiful block.  Now that I've taken pictures of the three finished blocks I, of course, have found a few things not completed.  There is a crown that still needs a few rows on this block, also, the top left is missing it's border! 

 Block two.  
I LOVE this block.  I love the peacock in the top right corner. I didn't order the special silk thread to do the snow.  It was really pricey. I just used DMC, off white.  

Block Three
I love this block too.  It's a lot prettier in person.  I see a spot that isn't finished - nine stitches! 

It's such fun to be doing all these little Christmas blocks all year.  There is also an Autumn at Hawk Run Hollow.  We'll see how I feel about doing another year-long project after I finish this!  If you're interested, this is done on 40ct Exemplar Linen, one over two using DMC threads.

I hope you're having a great Thursday! Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Leslie...this is just beautiful! I've only done stamped cross stitch so I am in awe!

    Hopefully your weather will warm up soon. We hit 56 today and it was wonderful!


    1. Jane, the counted cross stitch can be a challenge at times - I've had to remove quite a few rows because I've been off my count! But the results are so lovely! Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Wow Leslie - Beautiful! I so want to do a HRH pattern. I am holding off until my stash is less. I'm thinking maybe next year... In the meantime, I'm enjoying yours! (We're in the high 80s here, so I won't talk about the weather, haha)

    1. Vicki, I highly recommend an HRH pattern! Each little scene is such a delight! And before you get sick of it, you're done and ready to move on to the next square! Thanks for visiting!

  3. I really like your cross stitch piece. Like the whole thing but that center one is beautiful. Haven't done cross stitch in a long time. Hopefully things warm up for you soon.
    Cher Sunray Gardens

    1. So far that center one is my favorite, too! It looks like it would have been a pain because there is so much stitching but I found it to go rather quickly.

  4. They are beautiful. It's hard for me to see to do the cross stitch. We are having beautiful weather here in SO CA. Sorry that Spring hasn't arrived yet for you - hopefully soon.

    1. Mary, it's hard for me to see, too. I have to wear a pair of strong magnifying glasses over my regular glasses! Thanks for visiting!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. What beautiful work you do. I like embroidery, but counted cross stitch drives me bonkers. I've done a few pieces but have decided to do no more. My mother does wonderful cross stitch, so I'll enjoy her expertise in the pieces she gives me.

    Have a great weekend. I hope the weather warms up for you.

  7. I admire your patience and talent! I need projects that can be completed fairly quickly otherwise I lose interest. I hope warm sunny weather comes your way very soon.



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