Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Happy two weeks before Christmas! Are you ready? I'm not! I still have a lot to do, but my chair has a firm hold on my bottom. What's a girl to do??? I think I'm through with present shopping (except I need to buy an LOL doll for my little mentor girl), but I need to do stocking shopping. Do you do stockings? I swear I  think my kids are always more excited over stockings than big gifts. When I was young we got a few small gifts in our stocking and a lot of fruit and nuts. I'm a big fruit and nut eater so I was always thrilled to have my very own! Have you ever read Little House on the Prairie? I think the thing I remember the most is the Christmas Laura and Mary each found in their stocking their very own tin cup and TWO peppermint sticks. They were so excited over these small gifts. 

Speaking of children, their world is just a whole 'nother world from ours. I love to take photos of their play. My great grandchildren had fun imaginations when they were young. I made the little cardboard house below. Nala and Kiyah both loved to play with it and even added their own additions to the house. 

We are enjoying a nice dinner at a nearby restaurant and Nala excitedly showed us everything in her pusrse.

We've been having a few days of lovely rain. Now the rain is moving out and cold weather is settling in. Why can't it ever come at the same time and give us some snow. If it had been cold yesterday we'd of had a foot of snow! 

I hope your day is merry and bright! Thanks so much for stopping by!


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 This is a post about reversing some things I've I like rain. Oh sure, I like rain just fine unless I'm walking through ...