Monday, December 16, 2024


 Yeppers, moving right along. Like the freight train, Christmas is coming, ready or not!  I'm more on the ready side than I've ever been. Yeah me! Thank goodness for the help of daughter and son! 

I have no small Christmas quilts to use on the dining room table so I've got this autumn one out. It is still autumn after all! But by next Christmas I'll have a red and white quilt finished. I have one started that I decided to add more to. By next year it will be on the table. 

Meet Meeka, the cat that can always find his favorite spot. He is so funny, fitting his huge self into any small box or bag. He is not a sweet cat. He likes you to rub behind his ears, but that's it. No where else. He is quick to bite if you get out of line. Excuse the mess on the dining room table. It's used for paying bills, sewing, keys, critters, coffee cups, books.  holding anything that doesn't have a home and the occasional meal. Gah!

I'll be heading out for my Monday visit at school. I'm excited to give my girl her LOL doll. I hope she likes it. 

It's a lovely day, hope yours is too. Thanks so much for stopping by.

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 This is a post about reversing some things I've I like rain. Oh sure, I like rain just fine unless I'm walking through ...