Saturday, December 14, 2024


 Good morning dear friends. How are you? So sad to constantly wake up to no snow. We wish for just a little of the white stuff to no avail. It's been years since we've had any, not even a flurry! Always hopeful but now our temperatures are rising and looks like our chances are less and less. Well, as long as we are getting warmer, maybe I can do some nature crafts. Pretty skies and warm temperatures make for great outdoor doings. I have some nice red berries (Nandina) to work with.


I made myself a nice cup of hot chocolate and had my own little snow bank!

I have to get out early this morning to do childcare at church, then I really need to get some shopping done. I've got one present that I have to buy before Monday. I'll be through with childcare by 9:15 so I should be able to beat the crowds. I find that as long as I get out before 11:00 I do okay. Nobody wants to get up early.

I hope your day is stress-free. Thanks so much for stopping by.

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 This is a post about reversing some things I've I like rain. Oh sure, I like rain just fine unless I'm walking through ...